PlotSquared v6

SpigotVIP PlotSquared v6 6.0.9-BETA

This version contains the following changes:

  • Added `plot-title` flag, that allows displaying any message when entering the plot.
  • Added an option to update blocks that are altered in P2 queues [#2996]
  • Don't keep PlotFlagUpdateHandlers forever, this allows Plots, FlagContainers and its PlotFlagUpdateHandlers being cleaned up by the GC correctly.
  • Clean up chunk coordinators and queue coordinators in favor of previous named content now being gc'd properly
  • Allow players to use `/plot home` from non-plot-areas if per-world-teleport is enabled.
  • Inverted toggle messages where the toggle disables rather than enables
  • Fixed a few click events
  • Fixed `/plot grant` when used without args [#3166]
  • Fixed `FlagCommand#checkPermValue` not covering all flag types' permissions, especially when handling asterisks.
  • Fixed bad method names for chunk/world listener
Fix the regions found for merged plots (fixes some cases of issues with plot visit/home)


Check super types and interfaces on PlotPlayer#from IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit#1140

The placeholder plotsquared_currentplot_rating does no longer display plot ratings in scientific notation if disabled #3091


Fixed update...
  • Changed version of PlotAPI to 6
  • Deprecated API methods scheduled for removal will now outline they are going to be removed soon
  • Update to the latest 1.17-compatible versions of FAWE
  • Don't attempt to load 1.17 listeners on earlier versions
  • Fixed changing the locale not working after reboot but /plot reload #3099
  • Fixed not teleporting all players out of the plot on clear and delete if configured...
  • Fix typo in expression parsing for plot pricing
  • Do not allow moss spread on #3100
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