This plugin is abandoned on Spigot and no longer available for purchase. I'm leaking it in case anyone wants it <3

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16


PrisonPick completely changes your Prison server and will add a fun new leveling aspect to it! Every player is given a unique pickaxe that they can upgrade with enchantments.

Fully supporting players having the same pickaxe over Bungee by using a MySQL database. Upgrades can be bought with experience levels, tokens from TokenManager, or in the future currency from Vault. A PAPI expansion can also be used to fetch player statistics.



  • 6 Custom Enchantments that can be upgraded
  • A custom GUI opened when a custom pickaxe is interacted with
  • Admin commands and a HelpGUI that gives information on base and subcommands
  • TokenManager support and a PAPI Expansion
  • Extremely configurable files
  • A pickaxe update timer
  • MySQL support
  • Option to get enchantment data from the item instead of a file/database
  • 1.8 to 1.16.x support
  • Feature to put blocks in player's inventory
  • Automatically give player dropped experience


Code (Text):
Base Command: /prisonpick
Aliases: [pp, ppick, prpick]
Permission: prisonpick.<subcommand>

Sub Commands:
Format: /prisonpick [subcommand]

Command: /pp removePickaxe [player]
Description: Removes a pickaxe from a specified player

Command: /pp setEnchant [player] [enchant] [level]
Description: Sets a player's level for a specific enchantment

Command: /pp resetPlayer [player]
Description: Resets all of a player's enchantments to 0

Command: /pp bypass
Description: Allows a player to be able to move a pickaxe in their inventory

Command: /pp reload
Description: Reloads all config files and settings

Command: /pp help [page]
Description: More command information

Command: /pp helpGui
Description: Opens a GUI that contains more command information


  # The name of the pickaxe, %player% will be replaced with the owner's name
  name: '&6%player%s &ePickaxe'
  slot: 0
  # Determines whether to set the pickaxe to unbreakable or not
  unbreakable: true
      - '&2&lStatistics'
      - '&aOwner &b%owner%'
      - '&aBlocks mined &b%minedBlocks%'
      - ''
      - '%enchantmentsSection%'
    # Enchantments section can be inserted into the lore with the
    # %enchantmentsSection% placeholder
    # If a line contains this placeholder, it will be replaced with the lines below
      headerEnabled: true
      header: '&c&lEnchantments'
      enchant: "&e%enchantName% &f%enchantLevel%"
# TokenManager support. This must be true to set TokenManager as the main economy
  enabled: false
  # How prices are displayed
  display: '&f%tokens% Tokens'
# How prices are displayed
  display: '&f%expLevels% Levels'
# The amount of upgrade an enchantment by based upon the type of click
  leftClick: 1
  rightClick: 10
  shiftRightClick: 100
# Inventory Options
  # If false, will prevent a player from moving the pickaxe in their inventory
  allowMovePickaxe: false
  # If false, will not let player drop the custom item
  allowDropPickaxe: false
  # If false, will not drop custom item on death
  dropPickaxeOnDeath: false
  givePickaxeOnJoin: true
  # If true, this will completly delete the item that was in the pickaxe's assigned slot;
  # otherwise, move the item into a different slot or drop naturally
  replaceItemInHotbarSlot: false
  # Updates the pickaxe's lore or NBT tags
  updatePickaxeOnJoin: true
  # A timer that is ran
    enabled: true
    # The amount of seconds between each time the timer runs
    seconds: 15
    # Removes pickaxes that do not belong to the player
    # Also removes duplicated pickaxes
    removeIllegalPickaxes: true
    # Gives a player a pickaxe if they don't have one that they own in their inventory
    givePickaxe: true
    # Updates the lore or NBT tags of the pickaxe
    updatePickaxe: true
  # Puts items directly into a player's inventory
  itemsToInventory: true
  # If true, doesn't drop EXP on the ground, but gives it to player instead
  autoPickupExp: true
# GUI settings
  name: 'Pickaxe'
  rows: 5
# Database support
  enabled: false
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  database: name
  username: root
  password: password
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