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 ProInterface [1.8.8 - 1.12.2] | Larger GUI's | 1.3.0


ProInterface (PI for short) takes a brand new approach regarding GUIs and allows you to create interactive customizable navigatable GUIs in any size. Not only that, PI also allows users to see each other inside of the various maps which is just one of many unique features available. This is shown in the preview to the right in the Preview section.

PI, when downloaded, has 4 example maps and 28 custom items created for you to play around with and to show a few of the many possibilities. It has a lot of different uses; selectors, larger menus, shops, world maps, overviews, fast transportation, a collection of commands etc. This plugin will definitely allow you to make your server more unique and interesting.

PI is 100% customizable. Everything you see in the previews below is made in the configuration files and are merely made to show just a tiny bit of what can be done with PI. Keep reading and make your GUI's come alive!

Test Server:






ProInterface is packed with features and functionality. Every detail, small or large, has been carefully thought through to make sure all features live up to the high standard I wish to convey. The features listed below only scratches the surface of what PI has to offer:
  • MySQL support.
  • 100% configurable.
  • Create inventories in any size!
  • Execute commands for other players.
  • Made with the best possible performance in mind.
  • Create as many maps, controls, buttons, and items as you need.
  • Multiplayer. See other players as they venture around the maps.
  • Smart reloading. Reloads configurations and open ProInterface inventories.
  • Move players around using the set or open command with a location specified.
  • Create items from 20+ different attributes to make items behave in a certain way when clicked or moved to.
And a lot more!

Invulnerability feature preview:


As stated the possibilities with ProInterface are endless! You can do pretty much anything. This section briefly showcases a few possibilities/ideas I have had while creating this, though as said; you can do anything.

  • World map / overview:
    You could quite easily create a map over your spawn. Then create various items with the 'teleport:' attribute that will take players around your spawn world.
  • Selectors:
    Create a brand new type of selector. Create a map with your hub and allow players to venture around the hub inside of the GUI.
  • Larger Menus:
    Sometimes I have had the issue where I couldn't fit everything I wanted inside of one GUI. Creating multiple menus quickly seemed confusing and unmanageable. With PI you can create a menu as large as you want!
  • A new type of shop:
    Selling a lot of different items? Create one large menu with all items. You could make one large menu with all items listed and player heads hidden, or you could create an actual shop inside the GUI where players can walk around and buy stuff.
  • Collection of useful commands:
    Collect all of your useful commands in one large menu. You could divide it into sections and make each item execute the shown commands when clicked or if the players move to the position of the item.
  • Fast transportation:
    If you have a rather large world or e.g. a large prison server, creating a map that can take you around the world easier would satisfy a lot of players.
These are just some of many possibilities. Your creativity can truly make PI your own.

# ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ #
# | _ \| _ \ / _ \ |_ _|| \| ||_ _|| __|| _ \| __|/_\ / __|| __| #
# | _/| /| (_) | | | | .` | | | | _| | /| _|/ _ \| (__ | _| #
# |_| |_|_\ \___/ |___||_|\_| |_| |___||_|_\|_|/_/ \_\\___||___| #
# #
# By: Benz56 #

# If a configuration error occurs an error message containing the file name, path, and
# an exact description of the issue is printed to the console. (Recommended: true)
logErrors: true

# MySQL database:
# - Disabled by default.
# - The plugin will automatically switch to file if the connection fails.
# - Please use stop/start or /reload if changing MySQL settings. Not /pg reload!
# - Once set, do not change the database name again. This will generate a new database instead.
enabled: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: prointerface
username: root
password: password
# This is the Pro Interface Controls File.
# In here you can change how the player inventory appears and what it should contain.
# You have to have at least the four Controls though you can have as many Buttons as you want.
# Heads can be changed to items and vice versa
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
# Warning: Always ctrl+a and ctrl+c before testing your new settings. One small mistake can result in a file reset!

name: '&aUp'
slot: 22
name: '&aDown'
slot: 31
name: '&aLeft'
slot: 30
name: '&aRight'
slot: 32
name: '&cClose'
slot: 8
sound: CLICK
close: true
name: '&eSpawn'
item: '427'
slot: 5
teleport: Main[Spawn]
permission: teleport.main.spawn
sound: CLICK
name: '&eToggle Players'
item: '397:3'
slot: 3
toggle: players
sound: CLICK
name: '&eToggle Sound'
item: '25'
slot: 0
toggle: sound
sound: CLICK
# This is the Pro Interface Messages file.
# All Message are fully customizable and support color codes, formatting and ASCII symbols.
# Set the prefix and use %prefix% to add the plugins prefix to a message.
# Leave a message blank ('') to disable it.

Prefix: '&7[&eProInterface&7]'
noPermission: '%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do this!'
reloadKick: '%prefix% &cServer reload.!'
playerOnly: '%prefix% &cCommand can only be used as a Player!'
configReload: '%prefix% &aConfiguration files successfully reloaded!'
noCommands: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
unknownCommand: '%prefix% &cUnknown command!'
invalidArgs: '%prefix% &cInvalid args!'
invalidFile: '%prefix% &cInvalid filename!'
damaged: '%prefix% &cPlease stand a safe place!'
unknownPlayer: '%prefix% &cPlayer is not online'
executed: '%prefix% &aCommand was successfully executed!'
Default Maps:
# This is the Pro Interface Main example map File
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
# Use 'null' without quotation to place walkable air.
# Use a random string to place un-walkable air (can't match an item in your Items list below)
# Warning: Always ctrl+a and ctrl+c before testing your new settings. One small mistake can result in a file reset!

# The title of the map inventory.
Title: '&a&lMain Map'

# The spawn location. (Optional. Default is 0,0)
Spawn: 4,4

# Chose a configured item to fill the empty space outside of the map. (Optional)
Void: Void

# The map setup.
Map: |
Void, Void, Edge, Edge, Por1, Edge, Edge, Void, Void
Void, Edge, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Edge, Void
Edge, Pane, Sign, Pane, Pane, Pane, Msgs, Pane, Edge
Edge, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Edge
Por2, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Por3
Edge, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Edge
Edge, Pane, Clos, Pane, Pane, Pane, Leve, Pane, Edge
Void, Edge, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Pane, Edge, Void
Void, Void, Edge, Edge, Por4, Edge, Edge, Void, Void

# Configure the items you need for this particular map below.
# Items can have many different attributes and can get rather advanced.
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
item: SIGN
name: '&a&lInfo:'
- ''
- '&fThis is the Main example map of Pro Interface.'
- '&fEverything you see here is 100% configurable!'
- ''
- '&fHere you will be able to test some of the many'
- '&fawesome available features before you start'
- '&ftinkering with your own maps, items, buttons,'
- '&fcontrols and so on. Check out the portals'
- '&fwhich will take you to various pre-configured'
- '&fmaps, also make sure to test some of the other'
- '&fitems in the Main map. &f&oHappy testing, enjoy! :)'
- ''
- '&e&oClick to receive as message.'
- '&a&lInfo:'
- '&fThis is the Main example map of Pro Interface.'
- '&fEverything you see here is 100% configurable!'
- ''
- '&fHere you will be able to test some of the many'
- '&fawesome available features before you start'
- '&ftinkering with your own maps, items, buttons,'
- '&fcontrols and so on. Check out the portals'
- '&fwhich will take you to various pre-configured'
- '&fmaps, also make sure to test some of the other'
- '&fitems in the Main map. &f&oHappy testing, enjoy! :)'
click: true
item: LEVER
name: '&aCommand Attribute Preview:'
- ''
- '&fWalk here to receive a diamond!'
- '&f&oThis will also close the inventory.'
- 'c: true, q: true /give %player_name% diamond 1'
message: '&a&oYou received a &b&oDiamond'
walkable: true
move: false
name: '&aClose and Permissions Preview:'
- ''
- '&fWalk here or click to close the inventory.'
- '&fYou need: &c&opi.test &f& &c&opi.test2'
- '&fBut cant have: &c&opi.-Redacted-'
- pi.test
- pi.test2
illegalPermission: pi.-Redacted-
walkable: true
click: true
close: true
move: false
item: PAPER
name: '&aMessages Preview:'
- ''
- '&fWalk here to get some info about'
- '&fmessages and how they work.'
- '&eMessages are sent directly to the player.'
- '&eThey can be multiple lines as this one and'
- '&esupport placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.'
walkable: true
move: false
name: '&eGoes to Zelda Example Map'
- ''
- '&fTo enter here you need'
- '&fthis permission:'
- '&f - &c&oprointerface.test'
- '&f&oOPs are allowed always.'
glow: true
permission: pi.por1
teleport: Example[16][9]
walkable: true
move: false
name: '&eGoes to another example'
- ''
- '&fAs well as send a message and'
- '&fplay a sound when you teleport!'
- ''
- '&f&oThis map also has heads hidden.'
glow: true
message: '&a&oGoing to Another Example!'
teleport: ExampleOther[spawn]
walkable: true
move: false
name: '&eGoes to Zelda Example House'
- ''
- '&fTo enter here you CANT'
- '&fhave this permission:'
- '&f - &c&oprointerface.-Redacted-'
- '&f&oOPs are allowed always.'
glow: true
teleport: ExampleHouse[5][9]
illegalPermission: pi.illegal2
walkable: true
move: false
name: '&eGoes to the Spawn in Main'
- ''
- '&fYou can click here but'
- '&fcant walk in here!'
glow: true
teleport: Main[Spawn]
click: true
walkable: true
# This is the Pro Interface Example map File
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
# Use 'null' without quotation to place walkable air.
# Use a random string to place un-walkable air (can't match an item in your Items list below)
# Warning: Always ctrl+a and ctrl+c before testing your new settings. One small mistake can result in a file reset!

# The title of the map inventory.
Title: '&9Zelda Map'

# The spawn location. (Optional. Default is 0,0)
Spawn: 12,10

# Chose a configured item to fill the empty space outside of the map. (Optional)
Void: Leav

# The map setup.
Map: |
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, WolP, WolP, WolP, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Sand, Door, Sand, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Por1, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Gras
Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Gras, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Gras
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras
Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Leav, Leav, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Dirt, Gras, Gras, Gras

# Configure the items you need for this particular map below.
# Items can have many different attributes and can get rather advanced.
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
item: DIRT
walkable: true
item: LEAVES
item: GRASS
walkable: true
item: WOOL:10
name: '&eEnter'
walkable: true
teleport: ExampleHouse[5][9]
name: '&eGoes to the Spawn in Main'
- ''
- '&fYou can click here but'
- '&fcant walk in here!'
glow: true
teleport: Main[Spawn]
click: true
# This is the Pro Interface Example House map File
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
# Use 'null' without quotation to place walkable air.
# Use a random string to place un-walkable air (can't match an item in your Items list below)
# Warning: Always ctrl+a and ctrl+c before testing your new settings. One small mistake can result in a file reset!

# The title of the map inventory.
Title: '&9Zelda House'

# The spawn location. (Optional. Default is 0,0)
Spawn: 5,8

# Chose a configured item to fill the empty space outside of the map. (Optional)
Void: Void

# The map setup.
Map: |
Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar
Quar, Carp, Carp, Carp, Carp, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Quar
Quar, Carp, Bed_, Bed_, Carp, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Anvi, Quar
Quar, Carp, Carp, Carp, Carp, Flor, Flor, Flor, Etho, Flor, Quar
Quar, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Notc, Flor, Flor, Flor, Quar
Quar, Ches, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Quar
Quar, Ches, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Quar
Quar, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Tabl, Tabl, Quar
Quar, Pot_, Pot_, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Flor, Quar
Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, OakL, Exit, OakL, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar

# Configure the items you need for this particular map below.
# Items can have many different attributes and can get rather advanced.
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
item: LOG
item: WOOL:14
name: '&eExit'
walkable: true
teleport: Example[14][8]
walkable: true
sound: STEP_WOOD
item: BED
item: CARPET:11
walkable: true
head: Etho
name: '&eEtho'
head: Notch
name: '&eNotch'
item: ANVIL
item: CHEST
# This is the Pro Interface Example Other map File
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
# Use 'null' without quotation to place walkable air.
# Use a random string to place un-walkable air (can't match an item in your Items list below)
# Warning: Always ctrl+a and ctrl+c before testing your new settings. One small mistake can result in a file reset!

# The title of the map inventory.
Title: '&9Another Example'

# The spawn location. (Optional. Default is 0,0)
Spawn: 3,3

# Chose a configured item to fill the empty space outside of the map. (Optional)
Void: Void

# Chose whether or not heads are shown in a map. (Optional. Default is true)
ShowHeads: false

# The map setup.
Map: |
Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void
Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Void
Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void
Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar
Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Quar, Pan2, Quar
Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Void, Quar, Pan2, Quar
Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Void, Void, Quar, Pan2, Quar
Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Quar
Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Quar
Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar
Void, Por1, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar
Void, Quar, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Pan2, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void
Void, Void, Quar, Quar, Quar, Quar, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void, Void

# Configure the items you need for this particular map below.
# Items can have many different attributes and can get rather advanced.
# Please take a look at the wiki for an in-depth configuration guide and useful tips:
walkable: true
name: '&eGoes to the Spawn in Main'
- ''
- '&fYou can click here but'
- '&fcant walk in here!'
glow: true
teleport: Main[Spawn]
click: true

Pro Interface comes with 4 maps and 28 items pre-configured. As stated above the possibilities are numerous, though only if you understand how to set up your own configurations. Setting up your own custom maps, items, controls, buttons etc. is not hard at all. Once you get the hang of it you can create new maps in no time!

Explaining everything on this page would seem unmanageable. Therefore, I have created a Wiki page specifically for this plugin. The wiki page serves to explain how to configure the 2d map arrays that are translated into inventories and also how to configure the items that the arrays/inventories contain. Items can have many different attributes (see spoiler) that work both dependent and independently on each other. This is all explained as well.
The order of execution attribute chart can be seen below. This can seem confusing though is well explained on the wiki.
Furthermore, the Wiki contains sections explaining permissions, commands, the Multiplayer feature, performance, and much more. Please take a look at the wiki page here.

Versions 1.8.8 - 1.12.2 are supported. All features are supported in all versions. Currently, tested versions are:
1.8.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11.2, 1.12, 1.12.2.

If you need another version verified please pm me. Though I am almost certain versions between 1.8.8 and 1.12.2 are ok.

N.B. Skulls do not always render as well in 1.8.8 - 1.10.2.

ProInterface does not depend on any plugin, though some features depend on another plugin.
  • PlaceholderAPI - Placeholders are supported in name, lore, message, messages, and commands.
  • Vault - Needed to use the cost attribute.
You do not need these plugins if you do not need those features.

Installing ProInterface is as easy as with any other plugin. Follow the steps below and you are good to go. ProInterface remain completely hidden to all players (Except OPs) if they have no permission associated with PI. You can safely drop the plugin into your server and start testing without worrying about unauthorized players disturbing you.

1. Purchase and download ProInterface.
2. Drag & drop it into your plugins folder.
3. Start/reload/restart your server.
4. Check out the example maps ingame and the default configurations.
5. Open this page. (The ProInterface wiki)
6. Start creating your own custom inventories!

Steps 4 - 6 are not required though recommended.

By purchasing ProInterface you agree to the following Terms of Service:
  • You are not allowed to file a chargeback or PayPal dispute.
  • You are not allowed to use ProInterface on more than one Minecraft server/network.
  • You are not allowed to -Redacted- ProInterface under any circumstances.
  • You must have read the entire description on this page and preferably the wiki as well before purchasing.
  • You are aware of the fact that setting up ProInterface will take time depending on your needs.
  • Posting bad reviews based on bugs, missing features, or similar before contacting me personally results in immediate revocation of your access to ProInterface.
  • I reserve the right to change these terms at any time and you agree to abide by the most recent version of the terms.
  • I retain the right to revoke your access to ProInterface if you violate any terms above.

If anything is still unclear or you have questions pm me on Spigot or on discord: Benz56#4684
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