ProPackages [1.7 - 1.14] - The best crate/reward plugin!

 ProPackages [1.7 - 1.14] - The best crate/reward plugin! 1.1.4

ProPackages [1.7 - 1.14] - The best crate/reward plugin!




ProPackages gives server owners the opportunity to create new ways to engage their users with packages which can be used in a number of situations. One of the better examples would be grouping together multiple items in their store to offer a truly unique purchase while also allowing for the element of randomization to the rewards they will receive! There are an endless amount of ways this plugin can be truly utilized to enhance your server!

************* REQUIRES JAVA 8 *************
Compiled and tested for Spigot 1.7.10 and above, support for earlier versions will not be provided.


You may be asking yourself what specific features does this plugin have that makes it worth it, and the answer is plenty!

  • Completely customizable package system
  • Create an unlimited amount of packages/rewards
  • (7) Unique package opening animations
  • Package animations sound effects
  • Animation specific settings
  • In-Game package items
  • Reward randomization
  • Guaranteed rewards
  • In-Game package block locations
  • Action based rewards
  • JavaScript action integration
  • Message customization
  • Additional placeholders
  • Developer event API
  • And much more!

With all of these features the sky is the limit for what you can achieve and the number of different uses for this resource!


In the plugin there are few commands as of now which are mainly used for administration purposes such as giving players packages and reloading the plugin.

Main command: /propackages
Aliases: [ppackages, packages]

/packages help - Displays the help message
/packages reload - Reloads the plugin and configuration files
/packages location add <package id> -
Add a location for a package
/packages location remove <package id> -
Remove a location for a package
/packages give <player> <package id> -
Gives the player a package
/packages give <player> <package id> <amount> -
Gives the player X packages


In the plugin there are very few permissions due to the design and functionality itself. The plugin has the following permissions:<package id> - Allows the player to open the specific package
propackages.admin - Allows access to the plugin commands


In the plugin there are different animations you can choose from which will make package openings more appealing to the users. Each animation also has unique settings which you can modify to make each more unique.

Animation Identifier - ADMIN
Code (Text):

#The speed of the first animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_1: 2

#The speed of the second animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_2: 1

#The item to be used for the center prize
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The item to be used for the border prizes
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#Specific chances to only be used for the center reward
- <reward id>;<chance>

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Randomizing...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_colors: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Animation Identifier - CSGO
Code (Text):

#The item to be used for the center divider
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Randomizing...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_colors: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Animation Identifier - PORTAL
Code (Text):

#The speed of the first animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_1: 2

#The speed of the second animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_2: 1

#Whether or not to have both ends of the spiral with the same color
spiral_same_color: true

#The item to be used for the center item
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Randomizing...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_colors: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Animation Identifier - RANDOMIZE
Code (Text):

#The speed of the animation in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed: 10

#The size of the inventory used during animation
inventory_size: 27

Animation Identifier - SHUFFLE
Code (Text):

#The speed of the first animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_1: 2

#The speed of the second animation part in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
animation_speed_2: 1

#The size of the inventory used during animation
inventory_size: 27

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Randomizing...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_colors: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Animation Identifier - SLOTS
Code (Text):

#The item to be used for the center divider
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Randomizing...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_colors: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Animation Identifier - SPIN
Code (Text):

#The item to be used for the wheel divider
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The item to be clicked to start the spin
material: <material>;<data>
amount: 1
name: '&8Item name'
- '&8lore'
glow: <true | false>

#The name to be used for the glass panes
inventory_glass_name: '&8Spin...'

#The pane colors which will be used during animation
inventory_glass_color: 7


There are a few important things to note when creating packages and the functionality of the customization.

  • The total is the maximum rewards which will be given to the player regardless if there are a number of guaranteed rewards which exceed the total.
  • Chances are a chance of the cumulative total of all the chances. This means that it will be (chance/total) so if the combined total of all chances was 1000 and one of the chances was 20 it would have a 20/1000 chance or 2%.
If there are any specific sections that ask for a material you must use a valid value and it does not support numeric ids. A list of valid materials can be found at the following link (some may be different/unique per spigot version):

If there are sections that require a sound value you can use the list of valid sounds that can be found at the following link (some may be different/unique per spigot version):

Actions are how players are rewarded when opening packages, they can be commands, items, sounds, etc. There is an extensive list of actions that can be performed.

Code (Text):
[Chance=<percentage>] [<action>] - Chance out of 100% that this action will be performed
[Delay=<time>] [<action>] - Delays the action to be performed after the delay period in seconds
[SyncTask][<action>] - Performs the action in sync with the server tick
[PlayerCommand] <command> - Executes the command as a player
[ConsoleCommand] <command> - Executes the command as the console
[OperatorCommand] <command> - Executes the command as an operator
[Broadcast] <message> - Broadcasts the following message to the server
[Message] <message> - Sends the following message to the player
[JSONBroadcast] <message> - Sends the JSON message to the server
[JSONMessage] <message> - Sends the JSON message to the player
[Sound] <sound value> - Plays the sound for the player
[VaultGive] <amount> - Adds the amount to the players Vault economy balance
[VaultTake] <amount> - Takes the amount from the players Vault economy balance
[Teleport] <world name>;<x>;<y>;<z> - Teleports the player to the specified coordinates
[Teleport] <world name>;<x>;<y>;<z>;<yaw>;<pitch> - Teleports the player to the specified coordinates
[GiveItem] <material>;<amount> - Gives the player the specified item
[GiveItem] <material>;<amount>;<data> - Gives the player the specified item
[GiveItem] <material>;<amount>;<data>;<name> - Gives the player the specified item
[TitleBroadcast] <title> - Displays the title for the server
[TitleBroadcast] <title>;<subtitle> - Displays the title & subtitle for the server
[Title] <title> - Displays the title for the player
[Title] <title>;<subtitle> - Displays the title & subtitle for the player
[ActionBarBroadcast] <message> - Displays the action bar message for the server
[ActionBar] <message> - Displays the action bar message for the player
[Bungee] <server> - Sends the player to the specified bungee server

JavaScript Actions:
You can also use JavaScript in your actions to further enhance what you can do with your rewards and other parts of the plugin.

  • BukkitPlayer - The player who the action is being executed for
  • ProPackages - The instance of the plugin

Code (Text):
[ConsoleCommand] eco give %player% [JavaScript=%player_health% * 20]
Throughout the plugin there are a bunch of placeholders that can be used in menu items, messages, and even completion actions that allow just that extra bit of functionality.

Code (Text):
Player Placeholders:

%player% - players name
%player_displayname% - players display name
%player_saturation% - players saturation
%player_hunger% - players hunger
%player_health% - players health
%player_x% - players X coordinate
%player_y% - players Y coordinate
%player_z% - players Z coordinate
%player_world% - players world name
%player_level% - players level
%player_exp% - players experience

Other Placeholders:

%server_motd% - message of the day
%server_maxplayers% - player maximum limit
%server_playercount% - amount of online players
%amount_<reward id>% - amount of specific rewards received


Event API
In the plugin there are 2 different events that can be listened through another plugin. Each event has methods to get the packages which are being used during the event.

PackageOpenEvent - Called once a player opens a package
PackageReceiveEvent - Called once a player receives a package


Code (Text):
# ======================================================
# ProPackages Version: 1.0.3 build: 0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# This is the ProPackages configuration file where all settings
# and other features will be found. If you have any questions feel free
# to ask me by PM on spigot. Also if you have any feature suggestions
# or anything like that i'm always open to new ideas.
# Thank you for supporting this project!
# ======================================================
# Rewards Configuration
# The rewards define the actions in which will be exectued if the specific
# reward is chosen while opening a package.
# rewards:
# <identifier>:
# actions:
# - '<action>'
# #The item to be displayed for this reward during
# #the package animation
# item:
# material: <material>;<data>
# name: '&8Item name'
# lore:
# - '&8lore'
# glow: <true | false>
# Each reward must have a unique identifier used to determine which is to
# be used with each package.
# ======================================================
# Packages Configuration
# The packages are what users will receieve and the associated rewards that
# go with each package. There are a number of different options you can modify
# with each unique package.
# packages:
# <identifier>:
# #The number of rewards to be chosen
# total: 10
# #The animation to be used for the package opening
# #The menu name for the animation
# name: '&8Box Of Gems'
# #The sounds to play throughout the animations
# animate_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
# #Specific settings to modify for each animation for
# #more information regarding which values can be modified
# #visit the plugin page: http://-Redacted-/ppackages
# settings:
# animation_speed: 10
# inventory_size: 27
# #The item given to the player which they can click
# #to open the package. If the item is invalid the player
# #will receieve the package rewards immediately.
# item:
# material: <material>;<data>
# name: '&8Item name'
# lore:
# - '&8lore'
# glow: <true | false>
# #The chances of each reward to be chosen. The chance is the amount
# #out of the combined total of all the chances.
# chances:
# - '<reward id>;<chance>'
# #The guaranteed rewards for this package and the amount that is
# #guaranteed to be within
# guaranteed:
# - '<reward id>;<amount>'
# #The actions to be executed once the packaged is opened
# actions:
# - '<action>'
# ======================================================
# Commands:
# Command: propackages
# Aliases: [ppackages, packages]
# /packages help - Displays this help message
# /packages reload - Reloads the plugin
# /packages give <player> <id> - Gives the player a package
# /packages give <player> <id> <amount> - Gives the player X packages
# ======================================================
# Permissions:
# propackages.admin - Required to use the commands
#<identifier> - Required to open specific packages
# ======================================================
# Placeholders:
# %player% - the players name
# %amount_<reward id>% - the amount of the specific rewards received
# ======================================================
# Actions:
# Actions are the method used to reward players for completing quests. Whether it be executing a
# command or giving a player an item there are extensive ways to reward players. Below are the valid
# actions that can be used in the plugin. Also you can use placeholders in the actions to have even
# more customization options.
# ** Please note that all actions are case-sensitive **
# [Chance=<percent>] [<action>] - Chance out of 100% that this action will be performed
# [Delay=<time>] [<action>] - Delays the action to be performed after the delay period in seconds
# [PlayerCommand] <command> - Executes the command as a player
# [ConsoleCommand] <command> - Executes the command as the console
# [OperatorCommand] <command> - Executes the command as the console
# [Broadcast] <message> - Broadcasts the following message to the server
# [Message] <message> - Sends the following message to the player
# [JSONBroadcast] <message> - Sends the following json message to the server
# [JSONMessage] <message> - Sends the following json to the player
# [Sound] <sound value> - Plays the sound for the player
# [VaultGive] <amount> - Adds the amount to the players Vault economy balance
# [VaultTake] <amount> - Take the amount from the players Vault economy balance
# [GiveItem] <material;amount> - Gives the specified item to the player
# [GiveItem] <material;amount;data> - Gives the specified item to the player
# [GiveItem] <material;amount;data;name> - Gives the specified item to the player
# [Teleport] <world name;x;y;z> - Teleports the player to the specified coordinates
# [Teleport] <world name;x;y;z;yaw;pitch> - Teleports the player to the specified coordinates
# [TitleBroadcast] <title> - Displays the title for the server
# [TitleBroadcast] <title>;<subtitle> - Displays the title & subtitle for the server
# [Title] <title> - Displays the title for the player
# [Title] <title>;<subtitle> - Displays the title & subtitle for the player
# [ActionBarBroadcast] <message> - Displays the message in the actionbar for the server
# [ActionBar] <message> - Displays the message in the actionbar for the player
# [Bungee] <server> - Sends the player to the specified bungee server
# ======================================================

material: EMERALD;0
amount: 64
name: '&a&lEMERALD!'
- '&764x Emeralds'
glow: false
- '[GiveItem] EMERALD;64'
material: DIAMOND;0
amount: 64
name: '&b&lDIAMOND!'
- '&764x Diamonds'
glow: false
- '[GiveItem] DIAMOND;64'
material: GOLD_INGOT;0
amount: 64
name: '&e&lGOLD!'
- '&764x Ingots'
glow: false
- '[GiveItem] GOLD_INGOT;64'
total: 10
name: '&8Box Of Gems'
animate_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
animation_speed: 10
inventory_size: 27
material: CHEST;0
name: '&b&lBox of Gems'
- '&7Shift-click this in your inventory'
- '&7to open up the box!'
- ''
- '&7Guaranteed:'
- '&f64&7x &aEmerald'
- '&f128&7x &bDiamonds'
glow: true
- gold;60
- diamonds;30
- emeralds;10
- emeralds;1
- diamonds;2
- '[Message] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[Message] &b&lBox Contents'
- '[Message] &8&m----------------------------------'
- '[Message] &f[JavaScript=%amount_emeralds% * 64]&7x &aEmeralds'
- '[Message] &f[JavaScript=%amount_diamonds% * 64]&7x &bDiamonds'
- '[Message] &f[JavaScript=%amount_gold% * 64]&7x &eGold Ingots'
- '[Message] &8&m----------------------------------'

Code (Text):
# ======================================================
# ProPackages Version: 1.0.3 build: 0
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# Messages File
# This is the messages file where all messages found throughout the plugin will be stored.
# You can change these while the server is running however you must use the reload command
# for any and all changes to take effect. Leave a message empty to not have it send anything.
# ======================================================

no_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command'
no_permission_package: '&cYou do not have permission to open this package'
not_online: '&cThe player entered is not online'
inventory_full: '&cYour inventory is full, items were dropped on the ground'
invalid_command: '&cInvalid command, use /packages help'
invalid_package: '&cThe package identifier you have specified does not exist'
invalid_number: '&cYou have specified an invalid number'
sent_package: '&aYou have given %player% %package_amount% %package_type% package(s)'
- '&8&m------------------------------'
- '&6ProPackages Help'
- '&f/packages help - &7Displays this help message'
- '&f/packages reload - &7Reloads the plugin'
- '&f/packages give <player> <id> - &7Gives the player a package'
- '&f/packages give <player> <id> <amount> - &7Gives the player X packages'
- '&8&m------------------------------'


By purchasing this plugin you are in acceptance and agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions stated.

If you have any issues with the plugin you will contact me via PM and I will help you with your issue before you post a negative review stating something like "The plugin doesn't work".

I am under no obligation to provide support and do so at my own discretion.

You may not decompile and/or edit the source code without written permission from JC_Plays_MC.

You acknowledge that by running this software we reserve the right to collect device information including but not limited to the IP address.

You also acknowledge that there will be NO REFUNDS issued and you will not file a chargeback, dispute, or claim through PayPal.

Finally you will not -Redacted- the ProPackages plugin or any of its source code publicly or privately.

By purchasing this plugin you are entitled to run it on up to (3) of your own servers, however this does not mean share it with your friends! A server is considered a machine running under a single IP address. If you require additional servers then you can contact JC_Plays_MC for additional licensing purchase options.


As reviews sections on Spigot have basically no moderation, they have turned into a place to complain rather than choosing the route of contacting the developer directly through the contact methods stated. I’m no longer going to respond or deal with any disputes or complaints in the reviews section.

If you have any inquires or concerns prior to purchasing any of my resources please PM me and I will address them individually.

If you have any errors to report then please as previously stated in the thread PM me. Additionally I will not respond in the discussions section.

Thanks for reading ;)

Latest updates

  1. 1.1.4

  2. 1.1.4


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