Psycho Enchantments || Enchanted book plugin with success and destroy!|| 6 new enchantments!

 Psycho Enchantments || Enchanted book plugin with success and destroy!|| 6 new enchantments! 4.2

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 2 reviews

hi there really good plugin but need help with npc how do I make it plz msg me or skype me its my ign many tty
Contact the developer of the plugin, not me...
YOYOOYOYOYZOZYO infinityyyyyyyyyyyyy you should be called the legend ok so basically theres no one that has leaked this before accept for 1 rando he leaked version 1.8 which didnt work so thanks sooooooooooo much for leaking this and thanks for being so friendly with me on discord..................... see yea around legend
Thanks a lot man!