[SELLING SOURCE] NetworkLevels

 [SELLING SOURCE] NetworkLevels [2.7.0]

[SELLING SOURCE] NetworkLevels
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What is NetworkLevels?
Network Levels is a leveling plugin for your players, when they play games or do stuff on the server you can make them earn xp and when they Level UP they can unlock awesome rewards via GUI, you can make unlimited amount of rewards with unlimited pages in the GUI, and each reward has a required level to unlock.

When you enable the MySQL do not use the plugin reload command use /reload instead or restart your server.

Note: About MySQL rewards
There are global and normal rewards
The MySQL will affect the normal rewards so when you unlock a reward in server1 it would be unlocked in server2.

The MySQL won't affect global rewards so if you unlocked the reward in server1 you can also unlock it in server2 so each server has different rewards but you keep your levels and xp.

You can enable/disable any type you want in the config.

  • Works on bungeecord servers
  • Easy to use and simple to setup
  • MySQL and Flat File support
  • Can be used for servers and networks
  • Advanced GUI for rewards and pages system
  • 100% Custom, you will find everything in config files
  • PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI support
  • Level progress on the normal minecraft XP bar of the player can be enabled for specific worlds
  • Specific description/level required/displayname of each reward
  • All messages are configurable
  • No Lag
  • UUID Support
  • Global and Normal rewards

Commands: Main command [/nl, /networklevels, /networklevel]

Player Commands:
  • /networklevels rewards | To open the rewards GUI
  • /networklevels stats | To view your own stats
  • /networklevels stats <player> | To view other players stats
  • /networklevels about | To view plugin information
Admin Commands: Permission [Ops, networklevels.admin]
  • /networklevels admin | To view admin commands
  • /networklevels reset <player> | To reset all data of a player
  • /networklevels addxp <player> <amount> | Add a specific amount of xp to a player
  • /networklevels addrandomxp <player> <amount-1> <amount-2> | To add random amount of xp between 2 numbers
  • /networklevels setxp <player> <amount> | Set a specific amount of xp for a player
  • /networklevels removexp <player> <amount> | Remove a specific amount of xp from a player
  • /networklevels addlevel <player> <amount> | Add a specific amount of levels to a player
  • /networklevels setlevel <player> <amount> | Set a specific amount of levels for a player
  • /networklevels removelevel <player> <amount> | Remove a specific amount of levels from a player
  • /networklevels reload | To reload all config files

PlaceholderAPI: (Optional)
%networklevels_level% : get player level
%networklevels_nextlevel% : get player next level
%networklevels_progress% : get the progress bar
%networklevel_percentage% : get player progress in a percentage of 100%
%networklevels_xp% : get player xp
%networklevels_xprequired% : get xp required to levelup
MVdWPlaceholderAPI (Optional)
{networklevels-level} : get player level
{networklevels-nextlevel} : get player next level
{networklevel-percentage} : get player progress in a percentage of 100%
{networklevels-xp} : get player xp
{networklevels-progress} : get the progress bar
{networklevels-xprequired} : get xp required to levelup
Config Files:
progress-bar-length: 10
progress-bar-1: '&a:'
progress-bar-2: '&c:'
enable-global-rewards: true
globalrewards-is-disabled: '&cGlobal rewards is disabled!'
enable-normal-rewards: true
normalrewards-is-disabled: '&cNormal rewards is disabled!'
enable-earn-xp-message: true
earn-xp-message: '&bYou have recieved &e%xp% &bxp!'
  enabled: false
  host: localhost
  port: '3306'
  database: testdb
  username: root
  password: ''
close-prepared-statements-after-updating-data: true
close-sql-statements-after: 5
  unclaimed-reward-item-id: 342
  unclaimed-reward-item-durability: 0
  claimed-reward-item-id: 328
  claimed-reward-item-durability: 0
  claimed-reward-item-lore: '&cYou have claimed this reward!'
  unclaimed-reward-item-lore: '&aYou have not claimed this reward!'
  you-cant-claim-this-reward: '&cYou can''t claim this reward you need more levels!'
  title: Rewards
  next-page: '&aNext Page'
  next-page-item-id: 160
  next-page-item-durability: 5
  previous-page: '&cPrevious Page'
  previous-page-item-id: 160
  previous-page-item-durability: 14
  frame-id: 160
  frame-durability: 10
  title: Global Rewards
  next-page: '&aNext Page'
  next-page-item-id: 160
  next-page-item-durability: 5
  previous-page: '&cPrevious Page'
  previous-page-item-id: 160
  previous-page-item-durability: 14
  frame-id: 160
  frame-durability: 10
no-available-rewards: '&cThere are no available rewards!'
not-enough-levels: '&cYou dont have enough levels to unlock this &e%reward% &creward,
  you need &a%levels% &clevels to unlock it!'
  already-unlocked: '&cYou have already unlocked this reward!'
  unlocked: '&aYou have unlocked &e%reward% &areward!'
player-is-offline: '&cThat player is not online!'
  on-reward-unlock: false
  on-reward-already-unlocked: true
  on-not-enough-levels: true
  enabled: false
  unlock-sound: insert-sound-here
  unlock-sound-pitch-1: 1
  unlock-sound-pitch-2: 1
  already-unlocked-sound: insert-sound-here
  already-unlocked-sound-pitch-1: 1
  already-unlocked-sound-pitch-2: 1
  dont-have-enough-levels: insert-sound-here
  dont-have-enough-levels-pitch-1: 1
  dont-have-enough-levels-pitch-2: 1
whitelisted-worlds-enabled: false
- world
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lCommands List'
- '&e/networklevels &7| &fMain command for help messages'
- '&e/networklevels rewards &7| &fTo open the rewards GUI'
- '&e/networklevels globalrewards &7| &fTo open global rewards GUI'
- '&e/networklevels stats &7| &fTo view your level stats'
- '&e/networklevels stats <player> &7| &fSee other players stats'
- '&e/networklevels about &7| &fAbout the plugin'
- '&e/networklevels admin &7| &fTo view admin commands'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lCommands List'
- '&e/networklevels admin &7| &fMain command for admin help messages'
- '&e/networklevels reset <player> &7| &fReset all data of an online player'
- '&e/networklevels addxp <player> <amount> &7| &fAdd a specific amount of xp for
  a player'
- '&e/networklevels addrandomxp <player> <amount-1> <amount-2> &7| &fTo add random
  amount of xp between 2 numbers'
- '&e/networklevels setxp <player> <amount> &7| &fSet the amount of the xp for a player'
- '&e/networklevels removexp <player> <amount> &7| &fRemove a specific amount of xp
  from a player'
- '&e/networklevels addlevel <player> <amount> &7| &fAdd a specific amount of levels
  for a player'
- '&e/networklevels setlevel <player> <amount> &7| &fSet the amount of the levels
  for a player'
- '&e/networklevels removelevel <player> <amount> &7| &fRemove a specific amount of
  levels from a player'
- '&e/networklevels reload &7| &fReloads all config files'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lLEVELUP!!'
- ''
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eNext Level: &f%nextlevel%'
- '&eProgress: &f%percent%% &7/ %progress%'
- ''
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&eRequired XP to levelup: &f%xprequired%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- ''
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lStats'
- ''
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eNext Level: &f%nextlevel%'
- '&eProgress: &f%percent%% &7/ %progress%'
- ''
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&eRequired XP to levelup: &f%xprequired%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lStats'
- '&eLevel: &f&lMAX'
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lStats of [%name%]'
- ''
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eNext Level: &f%nextlevel%'
- '&eProgress: &f%percent%% &7/ %progress%'
- ''
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&eRequired XP to levelup: &f%xprequired%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
- '&a&lStats of [%name%]'
- '&eLevel: &f&lMAX'
- '&eCurrent Level: &f%level%'
- '&eCurrent XP: &f%xp%'
- '&a&m---------------------------------------'
    required-level: 1
    reward-display-name: '&a&lLevel 1 Reward'
    - '&eThis is a test reward'
    - '&eRequires Level 1 to unlock'
    - give %player% stone 1
    xp-required: 0
    xp-required: 5
    xp-required: 10
    xp-required: 20
    xp-required: 30







Terms of use: (Before buying the plugin you should agree on these terms)

  • You are not allowed to resell the plugin
  • You are not allowed to reupload the plugin anywhere else
  • Leaking the plugin will result a nice ban
  • Refunds are not accepted
  • Any error/bug should be posted in the resource's thread, not in the review section otherwise I will not give a support for reported bugs in review section
  • You are not allowed to share this resource with others
  • You are not allowed to claim ownership of this resource
  • Java 8 only

Note: Please before doing a bad review let me know what is your issue on discord on private message on spigot so i can solve the problem for you.

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