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SERVER SiegeHCF / HCPearl Files Leak 2.0

Alright, everything as to info wise is located in the "! READ ME.txt"

The server.jar that you wanna use is located in the "jars" folder, just use that.

The "plugins" folder is now fixed, should be no more crashing

Other notes;
- Core now successfully cracked
- Tablist Working
- Scoreboard Working
- No more crashing, since ik you lot had issues with that.

Video of usage here;

Have fun, retard shouldn't have called us skids when we were the ones fixing his shit lmao.
yeah this is weird turns out me updating it broke the entire thread and now it only downloads the fuckin server.jar y1kes

the download for the server.jar was in the last post. Main files are the grey button ting

Yo, so since a few people have contacted me via discord and also commented on my actual post that they're having issues running the core, i've also got their custom spigot version for you to download so the server actually runs :)

Link here -

HF :)
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