✪ SuperCredits  [1.8.8 - 1.19.x] [PlaceHolderAP-MVdWPlaceholder Support] [Like cubelets] ✪

 ✪ SuperCredits [1.8.8 - 1.19.x] [PlaceHolderAP-MVdWPlaceholder Support] [Like cubelets] ✪ 2.2.9

✪ SuperCredits  [1.8.8 - 1.19.x] [PlaceHolderAP-MVdWPlaceholder Support] [Like cubelets] ✪
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦
Native Minecraft Version: 1.13
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.19


SuperCredits It is a plugin that allows users to create a special, original currency and 100% personalisable for your server.
This plugin has been tested in version 1.10
Check out my other projects as well:
✪ ReferralSystem ✪
✪ DeluxePlayerOptions ✪
✪ DeluxeMaintenance ✪
✪ SuperStats ✪
✪ SuperLobbyDeluxe


  • Multiple commands.
  • Easy to use Shop GUI.
  • Customizable Shop GUI.
  • All customizable messages.
  • Reloads the configuration and messages with a single command..
  • MySQL storage.
  • SQLite storage.
  • Different types of commands (player, op, broadcast, give, money, points, tell and console).
  • 100% Customizable.
  • Múltiple Shop
  • Firework!!
  • Sounds
  • PlaceHolderAPI Support
  • LeaderHeads Support
  • Custom command
  • Multiple languages (EN, ES)
  • Custom credits
  • Mystery Box(1.5+)
  • SuperStats Support
  • MVdWPlaceholder Support (1.7.7)
  • And more!




This plugin use the following variables

For more Placeholders use PlaceholderAPI
PlaceholderAPI placeholders


Sample configuration with credits:

Sample configuration with yourcreditsname:


Example EN:

Example ES:


Create top players with the plugin LeaderHeads

Example with signs:
  • line 1 [LeaderHeads]
  • line 2 scredits
  • line 3 #

Replace # by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc


Example with LeaderHeads and HolographicDisplays :

Replace # by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc
  • <scredits_name_#> --> shows the name of the player on this rank in the all-time leaderboard. (Example: <scredits_name_1>)
  • <scredits_score_#> --> shows the score of the player on this rank in the all-time leaderboard.(Example: <scredits_score_1>)



The value of the credits can be displayed in any plugin that works with PlaceHolderAPI

  • %scredits_value%
Example with SuperLobbyDeluxe


The value of the credits can be displayed in any plugin that works with MVdWPlaceholderAPI

  • {scredits_value}

The value of the credits can be displayed on any server and even on the web with SuperStats
  • <supercredits_value>


Permission to use the plugin: supercredits.use

Commands for users:

Replace %cre% by you Custom command.

  • /%cre% help | ?
  • Permission Node: supercredits.use
  • Description: Show the basic commands for this plugin!
  • /%cre% balance | bal | me
  • Permission Node: supersredits.balance
  • Description: Checks yours balance.
  • /%cre% pay
  • Permission Node: supersredits.pay
  • Description: Give some of your credits to another player.
  • /%cre% shop <name>
  • Permission Node: supersredits.shop
  • Description: Opens the shop GUI menu.
  • /%cre% shops
  • Permission Node: supersredits.shops
  • Description: Displays a list of available shops.
Command for administrators:
  • /SuperCredits help | ?
  • Permission Node: supersredits.admin
  • Description: Show the admin commands for this plugin!
  • /SuperCredits add <playername> <value>
  • Permission Node: supersredits.admin
  • Description: Add credits to the user.
  • /SuperCredits set <playername> <value>
  • Permission Node: supersredits.admin
  • Description: Set credits to the user.
  • /SuperCredits remove <playername> <value>
  • Permission Node: supersredits.admin
  • Description: Remove credits to the user.
  • /SuperCredits reload | rl
  • Permission Node: supersredits.admin
  • Description: Reload the configuration and messages file.




Code (Text):

no-console: '&cNot available in the console.'
command: '&7Use &9/SuperCredits help | ? &7to Displays the help page.'
command-check-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits check <playername>'
no-permission: '&7You not have permission to use this command.'
no-menu: '&7The menu does not exist'
no-value: '&7You do not have enough %cre% to claim this.'
no-online: '&7The player is not currently online.'
shop-no-permission: '&7You do not have permission to use this menu.'
claim-no-permission: '&7You do not have permission to claim this.'
no-register: '&7The player is not registered in the database.'
no-numb: '&7Enter a valid number.'
no-chest: '&7You need to stand on a block chest to use this command'
already-mysterybox: '&7There is already a mystery box in that position'
no-mysterybox: '&7No found Mystery Box'
no-destroy-permission: '&7You do not have permission to destroy that'
no-destroy-in-use: '&7Can not be destroyed while in use.'
mysterybox-in-use: '&7Mystery box in use, wait a moment...'
command-shop-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/<cmd> shop <name>'
command-add-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits add <playername> <value>'
command-remove-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits remove <playername>
command-set-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits set <playername> <value>'
command-open-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits open <playername> <name>'
command-mysterybox-create-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits mysterybox
create <name>'
command-mysterybox-remove-use: '&7Invalid argument. &7Use &9/SuperCredits mysterybox
remove <name>'
command-shop: '&9/<cmd> shop <name>'
description-shop: '&7Opens the shop GUI.'
command-shops: '&9/<cmd> shops'
description-shops: '&7Displays a list of available shops.'
command-balance: '&9/<cmd> balance'
description-balance: '&7Checks yours balance.'
command-reload: '&9/SuperCredits reload'
description-reload: '&7Reload the configuration and messages file.'
command-add: '&9/SuperCredits add <playername> <value>'
description-add: '&7Add <cre> to the user.'
command-remove: '&9/SuperCredits remove <playername> <value>'
description-remove: '&7Remove <cre> to the user.'
command-set: '&9/SuperCredits set <playername> <value>'
description-set: '&7Set <cre> to the user.'
command-check: '&9/SuperCredits check <playername>'
description-check: '&7View the balance of users.'
command-open: '&9/SuperCredits open <playername> <name>.'
description-open: '&7Opens the selected shop GUI to player.'
command-mysterybox-create: '&9/SuperCredits mysterybox create <name>'
description-mysterybox-create: '&7Set the mystery box.'
command-mysterybox-remove: '&9/SuperCredits mysterybox remove <name>'
description-mysterybox-remove: '&7Remove the mystery box.'
command-top: '&9/<cmd> top'
description-top: '&7It shows the best players with more <cre>!'
check-value: '&6<player> &7balance&f: &6<value> &7<cre>'
open-menu: '&7Open menu for player <player>'
config-loaded: '&7config, messages and menus loaded'
reward-given: '&7Your reward been given'
value-added: '&6<value> &7<cre> have been added to the player &6<player>'
value-remove: '&6<value> &7<cre> have been remove to the player &6<player>'
value-set: '&6<value> &7<cre> have been set to the player &6<player>'
top-player: '&7Top Players'
mysterybox-created: '&7MysteryBox location created!'
mysterybox-remove: '&7Location of the mystery box removed!'

Code (Text):

no-console: '&cNo disponible en la console.'
command: '&7Use &9/SuperCredits help | ? &7to Displays the help page.'
command-check-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits check <playername>"
no-permission: '&7Usted no tiene permisos para usar ese comando.'
no-menu: '&7El menu no existe'
no-value: '&7Usted no tiene suficiente %cre% para reclamar eso.'
no-online: "&7El jugador no est\xe1 en l\xednea."
shop-no-permission: "&7Usted no tiene permiso para utilizar este men\xfa."
claim-no-permission: '&7Usted no tiene permiso para reclamar eso.'
no-register: "&7El jugador no est\xe1 registrado en la base de datos."
no-numb: "&7Introduzca un n\xfamero v\xe1lido."
no-chest: '&7Usted necesita estar en un bloque de cofre para usar este comando.'
already-mysterybox: "&7Ya hay una caja misteriosa en esa posici\xf3n"
no-mysterybox: "&7No se encontr\xf3 la caja misteriosa"
no-destroy-permission: '&7No tienes permiso para destruir eso.'
no-destroy-in-use: "&7No se puede destruir mientra est\xe1 en uso."
mysterybox-in-use: '&7Caja misteriosa en uso, espera un momento...'
command-shop-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/<cmd> shop <name>"
command-add-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits add <playername>\
\ <value>"
command-remove-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits remove <playername>\
\ <value>"
command-set-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits set <playername>\
\ <value>"
command-open-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits open <playername>\
\ <name>"
command-mysterybox-create-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits\
\ mysterybox create <name>"
command-mysterybox-remove-use: "&7Argumento no v\xe1lido. &7Usa &9/SuperCredits\
\ mysterybox remove <name>"
command-shop: '&9/<cmd> shop <name>'
description-shop: "&7Abre la tienda de interfaz gr\xe1fica de usuario."
command-shops: '&9/<cmd> shops'
description-shops: '&7Muestra una lista de tiendas disponibles.'
command-balance: '&9/<cmd> balance'
description-balance: '&7Consultar su balance.'
command-reload: '&9/SuperCredits reload'
description-reload: "&7Volver a cargar el archivo de configuraci\xf3n, menu y mensajes."
command-add: '&9/SuperCredits add <playername> <value>'
description-add: "&7A\xf1adir <cre> para el usuario."
command-remove: '&9/SuperCredits remove <playername> <value>'
description-remove: '&7Eliminar <cre> para el usuario.'
command-set: '&9/SuperCredits set <playername> <value>'
description-set: '&7Establecer <cre> para el usuario.'
command-check: '&9/SuperCredits check <playername>'
description-check: '&7Mira el balance de los usuarios.'
command-open: '&9/SuperCredits open <playername> <name>.'
description-open: '&7Abre la GUI de la tienda seleccionada al reproductor.'
command-mysterybox-create: '&9/SuperCredits mysterybox create <name>'
description-mysterybox-create: '&7Establece la caja misteriosa.'
command-mysterybox-remove: '&9/SuperCredits mysterybox remove <name>'
description-mysterybox-remove: '&7Remueve la caja misteriosa.'
command-top: '&9/<cmd> top'
description-top: '&7Muestra a los mejores jugadores con mas <cre>!'
check-value: '&6<player> &7balance&f: &6<value> &7<cre>'
open-menu: '&7Menu abierto para el jugador <player>'
config-loaded: '&7config, messages and menus loaded'
reward-given: '&7Su recompensa fue entregada.'
value-added: "&6<value> &7<cre> se han a\xf1adido al jugador &6<player>"
value-remove: '&6<value> &7<cre> se han eliminado para el jugador &6<player>'
value-set: '&6<value> &7<cre> se han establecido para el jugador &6<player>'
top-player: '&7Top Players'
mysterybox-created: "&7\xa1Lugar de la caja del misterio creado!"
mysterybox-remove: "&7\xa1Ubicaci\xf3n de la caja del misterio removida!"

Defaul Shop menu:


Copy the JAR file in the directory of plugins
Restart the server to install.
And enjoy the plugin!.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing:
  • By purchasing SuperCredits you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
  • You cannot distribute this plugin or any part of it.
  • You cannot do fake reviews or reviews calling for help, reporting a bug or blackmailing.
  • We can modify the price, utilities or any information along plugins updates.
  • You will not attempt to modify the SuperCredits plugin source code without direct permission from me.
  • You will only use my plugin on your server or network.
  • You may not place a negative review about a problem before sending a PM about it first.
  • This is a digital product, There are no refunds...

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. Small bug fix.

    Small bug fix.
  3. 2.2.8


Latest reviews

please update to version 2.1.6
"the player is not registered in the database"
I have Error!
[15:31:35 WARN]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] There is no MVdW placeholder plugin installed!
[15:31:35 WARN]: [MVdWPlaceholderAPI] Put on of Maximvdw's premium placeholder plugins in the server!
[15:31:35 ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'supercredits' in plugin SuperCredits v1.7.7
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:46) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:141) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:641) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(PlayerConnection.java:1162) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:997) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:45) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:1) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run(SourceFile:13) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) [?:1.8.0_112]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:1.8.0_112]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:715) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:654) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:557) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_112]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.bukkit.ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes(ChatColor.java:324) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
at com.pedrojm96.supercredits.Util.rColor(Util.java:40) ~[?:?]
at com.pedrojm96.supercredits.sColor.sendMessage(sColor.java:24) ~[?:?]
at com.pedrojm96.supercredits.subcommands.mcdMysteryBox.onCommand(mcdMysteryBox.java:69) ~[?:?]
at com.pedrojm96.supercredits.SubCommand.rum(SubCommand.java:26) ~[?:?]
at com.pedrojm96.supercredits.MainCommand.onCommand(MainCommand.java:74) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:44) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
... 15 more

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