Ultimate Drugs (Modifiers, Growing, Cooking, Brewing, Crafting, 100% Customizable, ...)

SpigotVIP Ultimate Drugs (Modifiers, Growing, Cooking, Brewing, Crafting, 100% Customizable, ...) 2.1.4

Ultimate Drugs (Modifiers, Growing, Cooking, Brewing, Crafting, 100% Customizable, ...)

Ultimate Drugs is an advanced drug related plugin offering you a lot of possibilities through its highly configurable structure and large number of features. While the plugin started as a drug only plugin you can now do much more with it allowing it to work well hand in hand with most server concepts. Through its ability to interact with and modify vanilla features and other commonly used plugins as well as the new possibilities it offers you can highly improve your servers uniqueness and offer a more fun and exciting experience to your players. Feel free to learn more about the plugins functionalities in the features section.
Dependencies: Vault + Economy Plugin

Legacy 1.13+ Build: Click
Legacy 1.12- Build: Click
Legacy builds might not fully match with the features shown on this overview.

Note: Please read patiently through each part of the features section since every part is packed with functionalities.

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A pretty much infinite amount of configurations and possibilities through the plugins highly configurable structure. It's fully translatable and comes with a lot of pre-configured configurations to help you out in getting started with the plugin and to potentially integrate them in your server structure. The plugin features an easy to understand and very clean configuration schema and also includes quality of life configuration features like link which allows you to refer to an item configuration in a different place/file so you don't have to configure it multiple times and waste space.


Consumable items like drugs which allow a lot of delayable consume actions like sound-, particle- and potion effects as well as console/player executed commands and more. You can also grant players certain modifiers during the effect of a item/drug which for example allows you to increase the amount of money a player earns through a job from Jobs Reborn while also increasing the total damage the player receives from all sources. (More on modifiers below)

There are also a lot of advanced optional consume conditions so you can for example deny the consume of a certain item/drug in a certain world or WorldGuard region. You can also set multiple fully configurable items as a condition and have the option to remove or damage them (if damageable) on consuming. For example you could require players to have paper and a flint and steel in order to consume weed and then remove one paper and damage the flint and steel when they do so.


Related goods which can go hand in hand with a configuration, they are fully configurable items which can also be sold and bought just like normal items but can be configured in mass in a way simpler way. You can use related goods for example to configure certain ingredients that a player should be able to buy or use them in combination with the configuration link feature mentioned above.


Modifiers that allow you to modify a lot of stats in a positive or negative way for a player during the effect of a consumable item. The currently available modifiers are:

    • Damage with fists (HAND_DAMAGE)
    • Weapon Damage (WEAPON_DAMAGE) req. CrackShot
    • Received damage (INCOMING_DAMAGE)
    • Life steal on melee hits (LIFE_STEAL)
    • Jobs money earning (JOBS_MONEY_EARNING) req. Jobs Reborn
    • Jobs exp earning (JOBS_EXP_EARNING) req. Jobs Reborn
    • McMMO exp earning (MCMMO_EXP_EARNING) req. McMMO

A very advanced growing system allowing you to configure stage based plant structures.

Each growing stage can have a individual grow delay, multiple growing blocks and fully configurable chance based item drops. The growing blocks use a relative direction offset which allows you to configure the block location direction (left, right) based and not just coordinate based. For example if you configure a plus shaped growing stage out of 5 blocks it will adapt based on the direction where the player placed it so the plant stays in shape properly.

You can also configure growing conditions to control when and where a plant can grow by requiring water/lava in range, a certain biome, day/time time or even certain types of blocks where the plant can exclusively grow on. There is also a fully configurable seed item which is used for planting and you can optionally limit the blocks where a plant can be planted on.

Configurable fertilizers can be used to speed up the growing process of plants you can fully configure the fertilizer item, change the strength of the fertilizer and also limit the plants/configurations it can be used on.

Random grow to give the plant each second a configurable chance to grow a bit faster, this way you can make farms look more realistic since not all plants will grow similar fast.

Auto replanting option which can replant a fully grown drug plant at its first stage once it gets broken, you can also require a seed from the player in order to let the replant work.

A growing stage progress bar to display the growing process of the present stage to the player accessible through sneak + right clicking the plant.


Vanilla drops allowing you to drop fully configurable chance based items from vanilla minecraft mechanics (currently blocks and mobs). You can also override/disable the default item and experience drops. Each vanilla drop section is permission based and can hold multiple block/mob types as well as drops to give you the maximum control.

Auto replant option for ageable vanilla blocks like wheat/carrots/potatoes.


Recipes that allow you to create fully configurable crafting and furnace recipe with also fully configurable results and exact match ingredients. Recipes allow you to further implement the plugin in your existing server structure or build your server around it.


Drug boosters that can temporary increase the amount of money earned from selling drugs. The boosters offer a great monetization way since you can sell global boosters for real money and not violate the minecraft EULA. Boosters can be global or per player, can be stackable or unstackable and they can be for multiple specific drugs or all drugs. Players can view and activate their drug boosters in a GUI accessible through a command.


GUI based drug list which can display the sell/buy price of a drug also affected by active boosters and all details about growing and configured recipes including previews.


GUI based drug and related goods buying/selling also featuring a Citizens integration to allow the creation of NPC drug dealers. The sell GUI allows you to quickly drop all your drug items in and displays you the amount you could sell them for while the buy GUI is very simple and features a few quality of life features like a ordered display and mass buying through shift clicking.


Small API which allows you to hook into the plugin through events and use the API instance to gather informations. Currently available events:

    • DrugConsumeEvent
    • DrugPlantBreakEvent
    • DrugPlantFertilizerUseEvent
    • DrugPlantGrowEvent
    • DrugPlantPlantEvent
    • DrugPlantReplantEvent
    • DrugPlantSendStatusEvent
    • VanillaDropDropEvent


/dr help
→ Shows a list of available commands you have permission to.
→ ultimatedrugs.help

/dr reload
→ Reloads the plugins configuration files.
→ ultimatedrugs.reload

/dr blockinfo
→ Displays details about the block you are looking at.
→ ultimatedrugs.blockinfo

/dr list
→ Displays a list of all configured drugs including details in sub GUI's.
→ ultimatedrugs.list

/dr give <player> <drug> <amount>
→ Used to give a player a certain drug.
→ ultimatedrugs.give
<player> = example: "Notch"
<drug> = example: "weed"
<amount> = example: "10" (Optional)

/dr seed give <player> <drug> <amount>
→ Used to give a player a certain drug seed.
→ ultimatedrugs.seed.give
<player> = example: "Notch"
<drug> = example: "weed"
<amount> = example: "10" (Optional)

/dr fertilizer give <player> <drug> <amount>
→ Used to give a player a certain drug plant fertilizer.
→ ultimatedrugs.fertilizer.give
<player> = example: "Notch"
<drug> = example: "weed"
<amount> = example: "10" (Optional)

/dr booster give <player> <owner only> <all drugs> <affected drugs> <multiplier> <stackable> <duration>
→ Used to give a player a drug booster.
→ ultimatedrugs.booster.give
<player> = example: "Notch"
<owner only> = true/false
<all drugs> = true/false
<affected drugs> = example: "weed,strawberry,..."
<multiplier> = example: "1.0"
<stackable> = true/false
<duration> = example: "60" (in seconds)

/dr boosters
→ Used to list and manage all owned boosters.
→ ultimatedrugs.boosters

/dr sell <player>
→ Used to open the GUI to sell drugs and related goods.
→ ultimatedrugs.sell
<player> = example: "Notch" (Optional)

/dr buy <player>
→ Used to open the GUI to buy drugs and related goods.
→ ultimatedrugs.buy
<player> = example: "Notch" (Optional)

→ For auto replanting function of plants.
→ For ageable vanilla block auto replanting.

    • You are not allowed to claim the source/binary code of the plugin as your own.
    • You are not allowed to decompile or modify this plugin without permission.
    • You are not allowed to share or resell this plugin.
    • You are not allowed to use the plugin on multiple different servers without permission.
    • You do not have a guaranteeing to receive any support for the plugin however we generally offer fast premium support in multiple ways.
    • Once you bought and downloaded the plugin it can't be refunded since it's a digital product.
    • I hold the right to adjust the price and terms of service whenever I want.
    • You automatically agree to the terms of service by purchasing the resource.

Latest updates

  1. 2.1.4

  2. 2.1.0

  3. 2.0.4 + LEGACY (2.0.2)

    2.0.4 + LEGACY (2.0.2)

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