LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Batuzay
Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ultimateannounce.7459/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11Original Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ultimateannounce.7459/
Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation
DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
This is an auto announcement plugin that supports Chat, Title and Action!
And also runs commands
The plugin is using PlaceholderAPI for placeholders!
Click here to download PlaceholderAPI
This is an auto announcement plugin that supports Chat, Title and Action!
And also runs commands
The plugin is using PlaceholderAPI for placeholders!
Click here to download PlaceholderAPI
# PlaceholderAPI 1.0 placeholders:
Player placeholders
Statistic placeholders
ex: %statistic_mine_block_DIAMOND_BLOCK%
%statistic_use_item_<Item Material>%
%statistic_break_item_<Item Material>%
%statistic_craft_item_<Item Material>%
ex: %statistic_craft_item_DIAMOND_SWORD%
ex: %statistic_kill_entity_CREEPER%
ex: %statistic_entity_killed_by_CREEPER%
%statistic_mine_block% - total blocks broken
%statistic_use_item% - total item uses
%statistic_break_item% - total item breks
%statistic_craft_item% - total items crafted
%statistic_ticks_played% - total ticks played
Plugin placeholders
Factions MCore & Factions
Factions ONLY
(these placeholders were added by LegendQuest and may change as LegendQuest handles adding its own placeholders through the DeluxeChat API)
Simple Suffix
Vault (Economy)
Vault (permissions)
Rate this plugin after download. So, i can now do you like it or not
This plugin supports only version 1.8 or above!
If you are running 1.7 server you will not be able to use Title and Action!
I will not accept any refunds!
This plugin supports only version 1.8 or above!
If you are running 1.7 server you will not be able to use Title and Action!
I will not accept any refunds!
- Auto announcement.
- Chat messages + Prefix, Header and Footer.
- Title messages
- Action messages
- Easy configuration + ingame configuration.
- Support any color and format.
- Use %n for new line in the chat.
- If a message starts with %c% it will be centered. Experimental.
- Runs commands if you use "/uan chat add /command". Example: "/uan chat add /say hi" will run /say hi
Servers using this plugin:
- play.zeotho.net --- Mineguy_'s server.
- Play.sandstonecraft.be --- Jordi2010's server.
- mc.RodianGaming.com --- cocokat1's server.
- mc.hyperprison.us --- Dane2dawg's server.
- HexaPrison.com --- LukeMango's server.
- play.gtamc.net --- Hayden's server.
- mc.Kaboomsb.com --- ItzEnderPlays's server.
- Pm me your server IP and i will put it here
Why is this plugin Premium ?
I made this as premium plugin because i've spend many of my time to get this done.
Plugin Videos:
Remember to like the videos after watching so, the Youtubers will be happy!
IIf you make another language video PM me and i will put it here
Thanks to Dane2dawg for the images.
I made this as premium plugin because i've spend many of my time to get this done.
Plugin Videos:
Remember to like the videos after watching so, the Youtubers will be happy!
IIf you make another language video PM me and i will put it here
Thanks to Dane2dawg for the images.
Prefix: &6[&cDefault&6]
Header: &r&6]&7===============&cThis is a Header&7===============&6[
Footer: &r&6]&7===============&cThis is a Footer&7===============&6[
space-between-messages: true
- &cDemo message
- &cPlugin created by Th3Tr0LLeR
- &cHello &e<player>&c! There are &a<online> &cplayers.
- &cYour health: <health>
- &cYour level: <level>
Interval: 60
Enabled: true
Random: false
- &cDemo Action message
- &cPlugin created by Th3Tr0LLeR
- &cHello &e<player>&c! There are &a<online> &cplayers.
- &cYour health: <health>
- &cYour level: <level>
Interval: 50
Duration: 10
Enabled: true
Random: false
- &cDemo Title message
- &cPlugin created by Th3Tr0LLeR
- &cHello &e<player>&c! There are &a<online> &cplayers.
- &cYour health: <health>
- &cYour level: <level>
Title: &7-=[&cDefault Title&7]=-
Interval: 50
Enabled: true
Random: false
- /uan reload - Reloads the config.
- /uan version - Displays plugin version.
- /uan chat help - Displays the Chat help.
- /uan chat add <message> - Adds a message ti the chat list.
- /uan chat remove <id> - Removes a message from the chat list.
- /uan chat list - Lists the current chat messages.
- /uan chat enable - Enables chat messages.
- /uan chat disable - Disables chat messages.
- /uan chat prefix <prefix/off> - Changes the chat prefix.
- /uan chat header <header/off> - Changes the chat header.
- /uan chat footer <footer/off> - Changes the chat footer.
- /uan chat space - Toggles space between messages.
- /uan chat sound - <sound/off> - Changes the sound when chat message is displayed.
- /uan chat sound list - Lists all the sounds that are available.
- /uan chat broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an chat message.
- /uan chat say <message> Broadcasts chat message with prefix.
- /uan chat interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between chat messages.
- /uan chat random - Toggles chat random mode on/off.
- /uan action help - Displays the Action help.
- /uan action add <message> - Adds a message to the action list.
- /uan action remove <id> - Removes a message from the action list.
- /uan action lists - List the current action messages.
- /uan action enable - Enables action messages.
- /uan action disable - Disables action messages.
- /uan action broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an action message.
- /uan action say <message> - Broadcasts action message.
- /uan action interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between action messages.
- /uan action duration <seconds> - Changes how many seconds the action message will be displayed.
- /uan action random - Toggles action random mode on/off.
- /uan title help - Displays the Title help.
- /uan title add <message> - Adds a message to the title list.
- /uan title remove <id> - Removes a message from the title list.
- /uan title title <title> - Changes the title.
- /uan title list - Lists the current title messages.
- /uan title enable - Enables title messages.
- /uan title disable - Disables title messages.
- /uan title broadcast <id> - Manually broadcasts an chat message.
- /uan title say - Broadcasts title message.
- /uan title interval <seconds> - Changes the interval time between title messages.
- /uan title random - Toggles title random mode on/off
- uan.reload - Permission to reload the config
- uan.version - Permission to display the plugin version
- uan.chat.receive - Permission to receive chat announcements
- uan.action.receive - Permission to receive action announcements.
- uan.title.receive - Permission to receive title announcements
- uan.chat.help - Permission to display the chat commands.
- uan.chat.add - Permission to add chat message.
- uan.chat.remove - Permission to remove chat message.
- uan.chat.enable - Permission to enable chat messages.
- uan.chat.disable - Permission to disable chat messages.
- uan.chat.list - Permission to display a list of chat messages.
- uan.chat.prefix - Permission to change the chat prefix.
- uan.chat.header - Permission to change the chat header.
- uan.chat.footer - Permission to change the chat footer.
- uan.chat.sound - Permission to change the sound.
- uan.chat.broadcast - Permission to broadcast chat message.
- uan.chat.random - Permission to toggle random chat mode.
- uan.chat.say - Permission to say a chat message.
- uan.chat.interval - Permission to change the chat interval.
- uan.chat.space - Permission to toggle chat space on/off
- uan.action.help - Permission to display the action commands
- uan.action.add - Permission to add action message.
- uan.action.remove - Permission to remove action message.
- uan.action.enable - Permission to enable action messages.
- uan.action.disable - Permission to disable action messages.
- uan.action.list - Permission to display a list of action messages.
- uan.action.broadcast - Permission to broadcast action message.
- uan.action.interval - Permission to change the action interval.
- uan.action.duration - Permission to change the action duration.
- uan.action.say - Permission to say a action message.
- uan.action.random - Permission to toggle random action mode.
- uan.title.help - Permission to display the title help
- uan.title.add - Permission to add title message.
- uan.title.remove - Permission to remove title message.
- uan.title.enable - Permission to enable title messages.
- uan.title.disable - Permission to disable title messages.
- uan.title.list - Permission to display list of title messages.
- uan.title.broadcast - Permission to broadcast title message.
- uan.title.title - Permission to change the title.
- uan.title.interval - Permission to change the title interval.
- uan.title.say - Permission to say a title message.
- uan.title.random - Permission to toggle random title mode .
Terms of use:
You are not allowed to give this plugin to anyone!
You are not allowed to decompile this plugin or upload it anywhere!
Use this plugin only for your own server/network!
If you find a bug, there is a problem with the plugin or you have a suggestion you can contact me on:
Skype: marin.maniaka
Email: [email protected]
Issue Tracker
Or PM me in spigotmc.org.
You are not allowed to give this plugin to anyone!
You are not allowed to decompile this plugin or upload it anywhere!
Use this plugin only for your own server/network!
If you find a bug, there is a problem with the plugin or you have a suggestion you can contact me on:
Skype: marin.maniaka
Email: [email protected]
Issue Tracker
Or PM me in spigotmc.org.