
EXCLUSIVE SpigotVIP UltimateShows V1.0-Beta


UltimateShows is a plugin that allows you to easily create cool effects. The plugin is in Beta so expect some bugs. If you find a bug, please report it on the Discord. The review section is NOT a place to report bugs. A lot is going to be added to the plugin after release, most suggestions in the Discord will be implemented.

You may see the command arguments surrounded in either <> or | |, if the argument is surrounded in | | that means it is an optional argument, so the command will work without those arguments, while arguments surrounded in < > are required arguments.

The plugin will work without any dependencies, however certain features will not:
Projections & MovingBlocks - Worldedit or FastAsyncWorledit
Ridecounters - HolographicDisplays & (TrainCarts)



The spotlights work by creating positions using the newpos argument. The position will be created wherever the beam part of the spotlight is, you can move the beam using the target argument.

/us spotlight create <name> |x| |y| |z| |world| /us spotlight start <name> /us spotlight target <name> |x| |y| |z| |world| /us spotlight list /us spotlight delete <name> /us spotlight remove <name> /us spotlight editpos <name> <pos #> <time> /us spotlight clear <name> /us spotlight newpos <name> <time> /us spotlight rempos <name> /us spotlight setpos <name> <pos #>

Something important to remember is the different between remove and delete, deleting a spotlight removes all the spotlight's positions, while removing a spotlight just removed it from your world.


The show system currently uses files to create shows, if you go in the UltimateShows plugin folder, you will see a folder called shows. Create all your shows in this directory. You can also create directories within the shows directory to better organize your shows. The format of the show files is:

- command
- command
- etc
- more commands

/us show create <name> |directory| /us show start <name> |directory| /us show stop <name> |directory| /us show delete <name> |directory|


The projections work by creating a Worldedit schematic using //copy then //schem save <name>, then you need to import the file either manually by by putting the file in the projections folder, or by using /us projections import <name> <we if you are using worldedit, or fawe if you are using fastasyncworldedit> you can then load the projection at a location or where the projection was created

The ridecounter require HolographicDisplays to work, when using the create command, the ridecounter will be spawned where you are standing. You can use a TrainCarts sign to give players a point on the ridecounter at the end of a ride using
<name of ridecounter>
<optional 2nd line if name is long>


You can create fireworks in the realfireworks.yml file (comes with 1 included). You will soon be able to create fireworks in a GUI. You can cusomize the particle and each stream of the firework. You can also scale the firework meaning make it bigger or smaller, default value is 1, setting the scale to 0 will make it unseeable.

You can create fireworks in the fireworks.yml file (comes with a few included). The fireworks will launch from the specified location with the specified head to make them look more realistic but not using particles. You can change the color, trail, and every aspect of a firework in this file.

The movingblocks work by creating a Worldedit selection, then using /us mblocks create <name>. You can then spawn, move, delete, and remove the movingblocks. The remove and delete system works the same way as the spotlights.
/us mblocks move <name> <x> <y> <z> <world> <time>
/us mblocks delete <name>
/us mblocks remove <name>
/us mblocks spawn <name>
/us mblocks create <name>

The lasers work the same way as the spotlights.


The particle beams work the same way as lasers & spotlights with 1 small difference. You can change the color and particle of the beam using the data argument. Each position can have its own particle and color.
/us particle create <name> |x| |y| |z| |world|
/us particle start <name>
/us particle target <name> |x| |y| |z| |world|
/us particle list
/us particle delete <name>
/us particle remove <name>
/us particle editpos <name> <pos #> <time>
/us particle clear <name>
/us particle newpos <name> <time>
/us particle rempos <name>
/us particle setpos <name> <pos #>
/us particle data <name> <particle> <particle count> |r| |g| |b|

These commands don't have much use other then being helpful every now and then.
/us mh <item> |page| - Opens a GUI with every modeldata value of the specified item. Left click an item to get it.

/nv - Toggles nightvision

/pos - Gives you your current location & world

/us help |section| - Help command

/us debug - Only used when reporting a bug or for support (basically just ignore this command unless told to use it by support)
/us laser create <name> |x| |y| |z| |world|
/us laser start <name>
/us laser target <name> |x| |y| |z| |world|
/us laser list
/us laser delete <name>
/us laser remove <name>
/us laser editpos <name> <pos #> <time>
/us laser clear <name>
/us laser newpos <name> <time>
/us laser rempos <name>
/us laser setpos <name> <pos #>

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