UltimateVotes [1.13 Spigot / BungeeCord][UUID]

 UltimateVotes [1.13 Spigot / BungeeCord][UUID] 1.9

UltimateVotes [1.13 Spigot / BungeeCord][UUID]
Hey guys! I'm back! I hope you enjoy this small leak of mine :)
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Ultimate Votes.
The ultimate voting plugin!

Please note from the 31st of August - 14th of September 2018 inclusive I will be away on vacation. You may not get responses from me until then.

Note to users using spigot <1.13 I have made the decision going forward that from Minecraft 1.13 and forward ONLY will have new features added. The old < 1.13 build will not have any new features added only bug fixes. If I can find a viable solution where I can have one version of the plugin that is compatible with <1.13 and >1.13 I will do so but for now this is the way going forward.

Bought the plugin?
Great! here are links to get you started:
  • If you have a standalone single server follow this link
  • If you have a bungeecord network follow this link
There is also:

If you have a problem with the plugin please inform me via PM OR join my discord HERE and I'll do my best to help I very rarely check the forum posts on this resource so I could easily miss it! So again please PM if you have a problem. Please do NOT post a review based on a problem you have not discussed with me, that is unfair.

  • MySql Database. The plugin cannot be used without one!
  • WorldEdit min of V5.3.0
  • Votifier (standalone server, this is not needed in a bungeecord setup)
  • BungeeVote and YAMLer (bungeecord server)
  • RedisBungee (Optional)
  • Server running latest Bungeecord and Spigot . I do NOT support any lower version. If you purchase this and you are using lower versions you do so at your own risk.
  • UUID Support.
  • MySql Database tracking of votes (monthly and globally).
  • Reward system. (Players are only rewarded once per vote NOT once per server per vote if using a bungeecord installation. This will NOT be changed.)
  • Timed commands.
  • Percentage chance rewards / lucky rewards.
  • Vote milestones. For example reach 10 votes to get rewarded.
  • Ability to check in game player votes.
  • Top 10 voter list in game.
  • Vote spam prevention (BungeeCord).
  • Auto reloads top voters at a set interval from the database.
  • Auto reminds players to vote every day if they have not.
  • Wall of signs to show top 10 voters.
  • Offline voting support.
  • Per world voting rewards.
  • Claim command for players to claim their voting rewards (Optional).
  • BungeeCord support. (Optional)
  • RedisBungeeCord support. (Broadcast messages to all connected bungeecord instances when a player votes)
  • Reward players when they are online.
  • Customisable messages.
  • Rewards list, view in game what rewards are given for voting (manual not automatic).
To be implemented:
  • Top 5 Daily voters scoreboard.
  • Reward top 3 players at the end of the month.
  • Web Based interface for rewards. NEW
  • special reward after so many <x> votes combined from allvoting players.
  • Any suggestions? please ask in the discussion section of this resource.
Developer API:
Want to integrate this plugin into yours? You can do so with the built in developer API class.

JavaDoc available here: https://teoz.jrnetwork.net/ultimatevotesapi/


This wiki page is subject to change in the future.


Want to buy me a coffee?
Donate here :)



# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) teozfrank 2014 ,All Rights Reserved
# This plugin is a purchase from SpigotMC
# If you did not purchase this please contact the plugin owner
# Distribution of this plugin is against the terms of this plugin.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# signwall layout variables
# you can use colour codes here :)
# %postion% the postion in the top 10 voters they are can be a value of 1-10
# %playername% the players name
  configversion: 1.9
  checkforupdates: true
# mysql settings
  enabled: true
  host: 'localhost'
  port: '3306'
  database: 'ultimatevotes'
  user: 'root'
  pass: ''
# reward settings
  enabled: true
  useclaimcommand: false
  rewardsbyworld: false
# vote settings
  usingbungeecord: false
# set loadonstartup to true when you have enabled mysql
  loadonstartup: true
  autoreloadvotesinterval: 12000
  enabled: true
  interval: 15000
# debug settings
  enabled: true
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) teozfrank 2014-2015 ,All Rights Reserved
# This plugin is a purchase from SpigotMC
# If you did not purchase this please contact the plugin owner
# Distribution of this plugin is against the terms of this plugin.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# each number is the amount of votes for that command to be performed, you may change this
# to your own liking and there can be unlimited rewards.
# Please do not touch the config version or you will break the plugin!
configversion: 1.4
# default repeating reward used if reward by world is disabled
  - 'give %player% 35 1'
# repeating rewards by world "world" is just an example world name
  - 'give %player% 18 1'
# these rewards are when a player reaches a certain amount of votes
  - 'give %player% 17 1'
  - 'give %player% 20 2'
  - 'say %player% has reached 10 votes'
  - 'give %player% 260 1'
  - 'give %player% 38 1'
# these rewards are the same as above but per world if rewards by world are enabled
  - 'give %player% 6 1'
  - 'say %player% has reached 10 votes'
  - 'give %player% 260 1'
  - 'give %player% 38 1'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) teozfrank 2014 ,All Rights Reserved
# This plugin is a purchase from SpigotMC
# If you did not purchase this please contact the plugin owner
# Distribution of this plugin is against the terms of this plugin.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# variables you can use for announcement message
# %player% - vote players name
# %service% - the service name from where the player voted from
configversion: 1.9
# the plugin prefix, shown when players are notified
  prefix: '&6[UltimateVotes]'
# the vote announcement when a player votes (only applies to non bungeecord servers)
  announcement: '&b%player% &6voted for the server from &b%service% &6, use /vote!'
  message: '&aHere is your reward for voting, thanks!'
  disabled: '&cRewards have been disabled on this server, please try on another server.'
  linebreak: '&c----------------------------------------------------'
# vote top, mtop, alltime and malltime messages
  title: '&6  Top 10 Voters this month  '
  title: '&6  Your monthly votes this month  '
  title: '&6  Top 10 All time voters  '
  title: '&6  Your all time votes  '
# last updated format %mins$ shows time in minutes, %seconds% shows the seconds count (does not go above 60)
  lastupdatedformat: '&6Last updated &b%mins% &6mins and &b%seconds% &6seconds ago.'
# vote reminder, sent to all players that have not voted at the set interval
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '&9We have noticed you have not voted for our server today'
  - '&9Voting is a quick process and helps the server'
  - '&9You will be rewarded with free items and the top 3 players'
  - '&9every month get free prizes! use /vote sites to get started'
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '&aThis month you have a total of &6%votecount% votes.'
  - '&b====================================================='
# vote sites, shown when /vote sites or /v is run
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '  &aHere are list of voting sites.'
  - '  &aSimply click a link and follow its instructions to vote.'
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '&6PlanetMinecraft: http://www.planetminecrat.com/server/example'
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '  &aThis month you have a total of &6%votecount% vote(s).'
  - '&b====================================================='
# messages shown related to claims
  message: '&6%playername% has claimed their vote rewards for voting!'
  disabled: '&cThe Claim command has been disabled for this server.'
# the join message shown to all players when they join who have not voted
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '  &aWelcome to our server.'
  - '  &aDid you know you can vote and get free rewards?'
  - '&b====================================================='
  - '  &aThis month you have a total of &6%votecount% vote(s).'
  - '&b====================================================='
# signwall related messages
  topvoterslayout: '%position%.&b%playername%'
  1: 'Top 10'
  2: 'Voters'
  1: 'Last'
  2: 'Updated'
UltimateVotes Bungeecord:

How UltimateVotes Bungee Works:



# Configuration file for UltimateVotesBungee
# Copyright (c) teozfrank 2014 ,All Rights Reserved
# This plugin is a purchase from SpigotMC
# If you did not purchase this please contact the owner, distribution of this plugin is against the terms of this plugin.

# config version, dont touch this as it will break the plugin!
configVersion: 1.3
# is mysql enabled
MySQLEnabled: false
# mysql host
MySQLHost: localhost
# mysql port
MySQLPort: '3306'
# mysql database
MySQLDatabase: ultimatevotes
# mysql user
MySQLUser: root
# mysql password
MySQLPass: password
# Should we prevent vote spam prevention by only broadcasting once for each player? (if enabled)
voteSpamPrevention: true
# The time in minutes that the vote spam prevention clears the players that have already voted, to allow vote broadcasts to be sent for them again.
voteSpamPreventionTimeout: 5
# Should we broadcast a vote message to all servers on the bungeecord instance when a player votes?
broadcastBungee: true
# vote broadcast message
broadcastBungeeMessage: '&b%player% &aVoted for the server! Use /claim!'
# vote broadcast hover message
broadcastBungeeHoverMessage: '&aVote for the server just like &b%player% &adid!'
# vote broadcast hover message
broadcastBungeeClickCommand: vote sites
# Should we broadcast a vote broadcast command to all servers on all bungeecord instances when a player votes? (requires redis bungee installed and configured)
broadcastRedis: true
# vote broadcast message
broadcastRedisCmd: uv broadcast &b%player% &aVoted for the server from &b%service%! &aUse /claim!
# is debug mode enabled
debugEnabled: false
Player Commands and permissions:
  • /vote - Brings up this the vote command menu.
  • /vote claim - Claim rewards.
  • /vote top - View the top voters this month.
  • /vote alltime - View the top voters of all time.
  • /vote mtop - View your vote count for this month.
  • /vote malltime - View your vote count for all time.
  • /vote sites - View the voting website(s).
  • /vote about - More about this plugin.
  • ultimatevotes.player.* - Allows the use of all the following permission nodes.
  • ultimatevotes.player.info - allows a player to read the info about the vote command.
  • ultimatevotes.player.claim - allows a player claim rewards.
  • ultimatevotes.player.top - allows a player to view the top monthly voters.
  • ultimatevotes.player.alltime - allows a player to view the top all time voters.
  • ultimatevotes.player.mytop - allows a player to view their monthly voters.
  • ultimatevotes.player.myalltime - allows a player to view their all time votes.
  • ultimatevotes.player.sites - allows a player to view the voting sites.

Admin Commands and permissions:
  • /uv - Brings up the command menu.
  • /uv reload - Reloads the config.yml and rewards.yml.
  • /uv addtestvote <player> - simulate a player voting, this does not reward the player (Adds vote to database on both tables).
  • /uv rewardplayer <player> - attempt to reward a player if they have unclaimed votes.
  • /uv setwallsigns - set the wall of signs using a worldedit region selection.
  • /uv restart - restart the plugin.
  • /uv resetmonthly - reset the monthly votes. This CANNOT be reverted!
  • /uv checkmonthly <playername> - Check a players monthly vote count.
  • /uv checkalltime <playername> - Check a players all time vote count.
  • ultimatevotes.admin.* - Allows the use of all the following permission nodes.
  • ultimatevotes.admin.use - Allows a player to use all admin commands
  • ultimatevotes.admin.updatenotification - Notifys player of updates to the plugin.
Individual permission nodes will be added for the admin commands in the future.

Bungeecord commands and permissions:

  • /uvb - brings up command menu
  • /uvb addtestvote <player> - add to add a test vote for a player
  • /uvb reward <player> - Attempt to reward an online player using bungeecord communication.
    (they need to have unclaimed votes)
  • /uvb convert <playername> - get the UUID of a player
  • /uvb addtestvote <playername> - add a test vote for a player
  • /uvb broadcast <message> - broadcasts a message to all connected bungeecord servers
  • ultimatevotesbungee.admin - Only give to trusted players!
This plugin is compiled with Bukkit 1.8.8. Bukkit 1.7.10 and 1.8 is known to work ok but may break in the future. Any earlier version may not work and is done so at your own risk, I provide no support for earlier versions. If you are not sure please contact me before purchasing.

Known Bugs:
There is a bug in the orientation of the sign wall. It does not show the top voters if it is for example facing East or West it will just show the last updated message, You will need to make the wall face North or South for it to work or vice versa.

Server List Sites:
New to voting? Don't know what voting sites to use?

Below are a list of voting sites that I personally have used before which are good. If you have any you would like me to add, please suggest them in the discussion of this resource.
  1. Minecraft Server List: http://minecraft-server-list.com/
  2. PlanetMinecraft: http://www.planetminecraft.com/
  3. Minecraft MP: http://minecraft-mp.com/
  4. ServerPact: http://www.serverpact.com/ or http://www.serverpact.nl/
  5. GameTracker: https://www.gametracker.com/ (not a voting site)
  6. Minecraft servers:: http://minecraftservers.org

Please report them here ->



License: All rights reserved, Closed source plugin.
You may NOT distribute or modify the source code of this plugin without written permission from the plugin author.

I orebuscate my code to deter any customer that may feel tempted to decompile this plugin and use the code for themselves. I do not do it for any other reason. Please do not try to abuse this, it will discourage me to further develop this plugin if I see that these terms get broken.

One purchase is for One standalone server or One bungeecord network on the same machine. If you are using this for multiple networks or are a hosting company or simular, please PM me so we can work something out.

Also if you are not sure about a feature of this plugin or if it is suited for you please ask first or send me a PM, please do NOT make a blind purchase, there are no refunds, no exceptions.

Live Demo Server

None yet, please try from the list below.

Servers using this plugin

This is a list of current confirmed servers that use this plugin.
  1. play.teozcommunity.com - TeOz Community Network (No longer active)
  2. factions.vcgaming.net - VCGaming
  3. - Survival World
  4. tragicsurvival.beastmc.com - Tragic Survival
  5. play.dutchcraft-mc.nl - DutchCraft
  6. hfx.mcpro.co - HeartFX
  7. play.honorgaming.fr - HonorGaming
  8. bcsn.us - BuildCraftia
  9. play.hyrealm.net - Hyrealm Network
  10. play.swiftcraft.nl:26944 - Swiftcraft Network
  11. mc.focuscraft.es - Focus Craft
  12. play.trainscraft.com - Trainscraft
  13. us.jpelx.world - JPlex
  14. play.SerpentMC.net - SerpentMC
  15. Mc.NordicMC.net - Norwegian Network
  16. play.thecubetheory.com - The Cube Theory
  17. play.frostylegend.com - Frosty Legend
Well over 220 buyers for this plugin and counting, thanks for the support you guys!

Want to be added to this list? PM me :)

Any questions feel free to post here or contact me on skype: teozfrank

Latest updates

  1. 1.9


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