  • Fix | Resolved a null pointer error when MySQL database loads chat channels before they get internally loaded. Thanks to @Knightstemplar for the notice.
  • Remove | Disabled blocking commands in books due to unpractical implementation.
  • Improve | If Regex_Strip_Colors is true in settings.yml, you can create rules that will catch messages having specific color codes.
This developer is damn fast. Enjoy the update.

  • New | Private messages can no longer be sent to vanished (hidden) players unless they have the "chatcontrol.commands.pm.vanished" permission.
  • Breaking | Removed "chatcontrol.commands.tell.reply" and "chatcontrol.commands.reply.console" permissions in favour of the unified "chatcontrol.commands.pm.console" permission.
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    Arctomium @ Arctomium: Anyone got the latest version of Custom Crops?