★ Vanilla Additions ★ | 192+ Custom Additions | Emerald Items | Double Axes | Ender Bow

 ★ Vanilla Additions ★ | 192+ Custom Additions | Emerald Items | Double Axes | Ender Bow 1.3.3 for MC 1.13

Hey can u please add version 1.3.3 for MC 1.9 - 1.12. Thanks :)
please update
Needs updated !
if (idName.startsWith("vanilla_additions:") && !Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("VanillaAdditions")) {
System.out.println("A pirated copy of Vanilla Additions has been detected! All plugins that depend on the AdditionsAPI will now be disabled. Remove the plugin immediately!");
System.out.println("By downloading this plugin without paying you are essentially putting an end to its development. Every high quality plugin takes months to create, and so did this one. Stay away from free copies and purchase the plugin if you want the developer to keep updating it!");
for (Plugin plugin : Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugins()) {
if (!plugin.getDescription().getDepend().contains("AdditionsAPI")) continue;
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents((Listener)new Crafting(), (Plugin)AdditionsAPI.getInstance());
Update please : A pirated copy of Vanilla Additions has been detected! All plugins that depend on the AdditionsAPI will now be disabled. Remove the plugin immediately!
No longer works! The developer seems to have patched it, don't know how... Also, thread design is fucked up, what dumbass designed this? Do a better job nulling next time!
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