⭐️ WildTools ⭐️ Trench & Tray Pickaxes, Sell Wands, Harvester Hoes and more!

SpigotVIP ⭐️ WildTools ⭐️ Trench & Tray Pickaxes, Sell Wands, Harvester Hoes and more! 2.10.4

• Added support for FactionsOne.
• Added sell-mode status for harvester hoes. The placeholder for this is {sell-mode} and can be used in tool names & lores.
• Added private-tools option. When enabled, tools are associated with the first player that uses the tool and cannot be used by others.
• Added support for SuperMobCoins with multipliers.
• Added support for faction allies. only-inside-claim will work on other claims if factions are allied.
• Fixed integration with 1.14 support.
• Fixed 'AIR' being dropped.
• Fixed support for PlotSquared with latest vestions.
• Fixed blocks detection in 1.14 with builder wands.
• Fixed mcMMO integration.
• Fixed builder wands work outside islands.​

If you like the update, please consider purchase the official plugin on spigot here!
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