Resource icon
About Wolfram
Wolfram is a hacked client for Minecraft that allows you to do all kinds of cheats and hacks that the game normally wouldn't allow, such as flying in Survival Mode, finding ores with X-Ray vision and automatically attacking enemies.
The Wolfram Client is mostly known for its large collection of hacks, its high-quality NoCheat+ bypasses, a beautiful user interface and its built-in OptiFine integration.
Wolfram was originally created by ShadowSpl0it, who later donated the project to, and is now maintained by the Wurst-Imperium. We have updated the client to Minecraft 1.9.4 as well as Minecraft 1.10 and we will continue to update and improve it in the future.
Features (126)
Cheats (102)
- AimAssist
- Aimbot
- AirMove
- AirWalk
- ArrowTrajectories
- AntiAFK
- AntiHurtcam
- AntiSpam
- ArmorESP
- AutoArmor
- AutoAttack
- AutoSteal
- AutoEat
- AutoFish
- AutoMine
- AutoShoot
- AutoRespawn
- AutoSoup
- AutoSwim
- AutoSword
- AutoTool
- AutoWalk
- Blink
- Breadcrumbs
- BunnyHop
- BowAimbot
- CaveFinder
- CameraNoClip
- ChestESP
- ClickAimbot
- ClickAura
- ClickNuker
- CompassTracer
- CreativeFly
- Criticals
- Derp
- Dolphin
- Enhance
- FarmhuntESP
- FakeHackers
- FastBow
- FastBreak
- FastFall
- FastLadder
- FastPlace
- Fightbot
- Flight
- Flip
- FlyNCP
- FlyVanilla
- ForceField
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- Ghost
- Glide
- GlideFly
- Headles
- HighJump
- InvWalk
- ItemESP
- ItemLabels
- Jesus
- KillAura
- MiddleClickFriends
- MobESP
- MobSpawnESP
- MoreInventory
- Nametags
- NoBlind
- NoBreakDelay
- NoFall
- NoFireworks
- NoOverlay
- NoSlowdown
- Nuker
- Panic
- ParkourJump
- Pathfinder
- Phase
- PlayerESP
- PotionEffects
- Projectiles
- ProphuntESP
- Reach
- Regen
- SafeWalk
- SilentSneak
- Sneak
- Spider
- Speed
- Sprint
- SprintLegit
- Step
- StepLegit
- Timer
- Tracers
- Twerk
- TrueSight
- Velocity
- Wallhack
- Xray
- Zoot
- .bind
- .clear
- .cs
- .damage
- .friends
- .enemies
- .hclip
- .help
- .mm
- .nameprotect
- .panic
- .path
- .say
- .scrape
- .vclip
- Alt Manager
- Array List
- GUI Editor
- GUI Presets
- Info Box
- Radar
- Rainbow Mode
- Tab GUI
- Text Radar
Wolfram Edition Minecraft Versions OptiFine Support
Wolfram MC 1.12 1.12 - 1.12.2
Wolfram MC 1.11 1.11 - 1.11.2
Wolfram MC 1.10 1.10 - 1.10.2
Wolfram MC 1.9.4 1.9.4
Wolfram MC 1.8 1.8 - 1.8.9