Search results

  1. Akuma

    (REQUEST) Stratum Tier 3

  2. Akuma

    (REQUEST) Pulchra Revisited 512x & 1024x Resource Pack

    Pulchra Revisited Link: & Price:$10-$20 This is the resource pack from your dreams, making your PC scream as you load up minecraft and making it breathe a sigh in relief when...
  3. Akuma

    (DONE) PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+ Bungee support] 1.9.6

    PremiumVanish PremiumVanish - Stay hidden [+ Bungee support] 1.9.6 $10.00 This would help out a lot since this is essential for any faction server and there isn't a working PremiumVanish leak here anymore. The problem with the others is you can do /v but you can't get out. Leaking this and...
  4. Akuma

    WorldGuard Issue

    04.08 19:12:25 [Server] WARN WorldGuard encountered an unexpected error 04.08 19:12:25 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/Object;)V 04.08 19:12:25 [Server] INFO at...
  5. Akuma

    OPEN Phillplayz_ Staff Application

    -1 Grammar
  6. Akuma

    OPEN Help my server keeps giveing me this error

    This may be a problem with the BlackSpigot leak itself. Contact the leaker and ask him.
  7. Akuma

    SUGGESTION Stop Wifi's Spam

    Vote Yes to convince him to only use announcements once in a while or to mute him on the forums! Edit: On the bright side, he's doing a lot better at not spamming!
  8. Akuma


    Is there an Anti - WorldDownloader for the WorldDownloader mod that can bypass Anti World Downloader plugins? Mind Fuck ikr
  9. Akuma

    Hello everyone - Josh

    I tried so hard...
  10. Akuma


    Hello. My name is Akuma; Akuma is Japanese for demon or devil. Some of you may know me as Shade. How I found BlackSpigot: Googled "AAC leak." I am an introvert but if I want to meet someone/do something I will. I am a firm believer of drinking hot chocolate once a day. On the bright side, it's...
  11. Akuma

    (REQUEST) DynamicParkour(Hub/Lobby Parkour) (1.8.8 & 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11) v23.0.04

    Name of the plugin you want : Dynamic Parkour Spigot Link : Price : 6.00 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This plugin was designed to help server owners...
  12. Akuma

    (REQUEST) Punish - [Extremely Customizable] - [Unlimited GUIs] - [Awesome Features!] - [1.8, 1.9, 1.10 & 1.11]

    Punish Spigot Link : Price : $10 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : It has been posted in blackspigot but has yet to be updated. This plugin...
  13. Akuma

    Staff Application - Josh

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