Staff Application - Josh

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UFC Champion
MC Models
Hello BSMC Community,

I am Joshua also known as Josh. I have been here for almost a week, and believe I have found myself to love this community. Over the last few days, I have uploaded quite a few leaks bring me to be #3 on the Most Active Authors, this is because I have a lot of free time and I use that leaking plugin to help this community. This includes Minecraft Premium Plugins and Xenforo Addons/Themes. Xenforo is mostly all up to date leaks, and the Minecraft leaks very. I mostly post in the Resource Request form to help as many people possible and get the plugins/addons that they would like to see. If I can't seem to get a certain addon/plugin I make a list of them to look out for when they come out.

How old are you?

What can you bring to the staff team?:
I have a few ability's that I can bring to the team, including but not limited to...

I am a very dedicated individual when I find something I usually stick to it, for example, I wanted to be in AICE classes this year and I did. I stick with them and get no lower than an B in my grades. I love minecraft, I have stuck with it for 3 years now, and I just can't put the game away. It's too addicting, though I do have baseball occasionally, I know that 5 hours a day will be made and or dedicated to this site.

I know how to be professional because it runs in the family. I act just like my mom, and sometimes like my dad. My mom is a very professional person, she does very well in her job (Nurse Practitioner) because she wants to be the one who stands out and does the best at her job, as do I. On the other hand, my dad is more of a funny guy, who makes everyone laugh at any time, whether someone is sad or just fine, he makes everyone smile, also as do I. I want to do the best I can at my job, and be funny when it is the right time to be, when it is time to get serious I indeed start to focus on what is needed to be focused on.

I am normally a Manager on Minecraft servers but all the servers that I currently work this are really not in need of me at this time, so I decided to pick up on a forum that I could enjoy and grow into. This is that community, I spend a fair amount of time on here every day, and it has led me to make a top priority hobby. It is fun, and I couldn't ask for a better community to possibly work for, or at least engage with. I have also been a Moderator on another forum a few months back called (not for advertisement, but the sake of the experience) NulledTeam. It is not a competitor as they are only Website Development (Xenforo is main but they also have others) and that experience lasted a week. I was demoted within a week due to the loss of ability to upload, I uploaded an outstanding 320 resources in only 3 days. The issue was that Xenforo caught me, and banned my account. After I told them (Administrators) a few days later I was demoted, and later IP Banned as well as lost the $30 I had made while being there (They have a $10 reward for every 100 resources). After they started the charge back, I was IP Banned so I couldn't provide proof, but I have a VPN which then led me to get all the evidence, but Paypal went in favor of the seller, in that case, the administrator of the site. I am also pretty good in the Xenforo ACP, I know my way around and can do basically anything besides make a template.

I plan to go long term with this forum, regardless of my work as a Manager, I will always upload at the minimum 10 resources per day and will be fairly active throughout the day. Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and looking forward to everyone's feedback.



Former Staff
MC Models

Great application, really detailed and I would love to see you joining the staff team! The reason I took off 0.25 points is because you joined BSMC less than a week ago and maybe you should wait around a month a familiarize yourself with the rules as you have broken 1 before. Otherwise great app and look forward to seeing you around!



Active Member

Great application, really detailed and I would love to see you joining the staff team! The reason I took off 0.25 points is because you joined BSMC less than a week ago and maybe you should wait around a month a familiarize yourself with the rules as you have broken 1 before. Otherwise great app and look forward to seeing you around!



UFC Champion
MC Models

Great application, really detailed and I would love to see you joining the staff team! The reason I took off 0.25 points is because you joined BSMC less than a week ago and maybe you should wait around a month a familiarize yourself with the rules as you have broken 1 before. Otherwise great app and look forward to seeing you around!

Agreed. I could wait around a bit, I have no issue with that.
Thanks bud :D
Bump to infinityy's response
As said to I said to Infinityy I completely agree.
Giving a +0.75 for the same reason as @Infinityy you should wait a little longer but other that i would love to see you on the team
As said to I said to Infinityy I completely agree.
I saw you around a lot, and even though I don't know you that much you seem cool
Thanks Bud :D
As said to I said to Infinityy I completely agree.


Former Staff
MC Models
Guys, please do not copy my response. I feel it is partially unfair to josh. Try to be unique, give him your own reason and rating. But please do not just quote mine and say "Same reason". Even if his time on BSMC is the only reason you would rate low its fine but please say something different.


UFC Champion
MC Models
Guys, please do not copy my response. I feel it is partially unfair to josh. Try to be unique, give him your own reason and rating. But please do not just quote mine and say "Same reason". Even if his time on BSMC is the only reason you would rate low its fine but please say something different.
Thank you.


- 0.1 becuz u are 1 week old
9.99 bcuz BSMC needs staff and sexy staff profile pictures too


Well-Known Member
I will always upload at the minimum 10 resources per day and will be fairly active throughout the day.


I think you won't do this for a long time... this would be 100 resources in slightly more than one week (10 days), if each of them costs in average 3$,... then you would have to pay more than 300 dollars in slightly more than one week...


UFC Champion
MC Models

I think you won't do this for a long time... this would be 100 resources in slightly more than one week (10 days), if each of them costs in average 3$,... then you would have to pay more than 300 dollars in slightly more than one week...
I do not purchase plugins/add-ons, I just leak them, mainly I do Xenforo some are paid versions I have had, and others are free, I leak the free add-ons because if you don't know you must have a Xenforo License to download even free add-ons.
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Fuck the world
I think Josh is very active, even when he joined few weeks ago, he seems like pretty useful guy. When I wrote him, he didn't hesitate to help. Like this guy and I think I am not the only one who would be happy to see him between the staffs.

For me, 9/10 (because nobody is perfect :p)


UFC Champion
MC Models
I think Josh is very active, even when he joined few weeks ago, he seems like pretty useful guy. When I wrote him, he didn't hesitate to help. Like this guy and I think I am not the only one who would be happy to see him between the staffs.

For me, 9/10 (because nobody is perfect :p)
Thanks Bud! :D


Former Staff
MC Models
Accepted! Welcome to the team... your rank will be added when wifi gets on, be sure to talk to him
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