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  1. X

    CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)

    xSincapRekt updated CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer) with a new update entry: . Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. X

    CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)

    xSincapRekt updated CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer) with a new update entry: CrispyDisguise Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. X

    CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)

    xSincapRekt updated CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer) with a new update entry: CrispyDisguise Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. X

    (REQUEST) ScoreboardAddon

    Name of the plugin you want : ScoreboardAddon Spigot Link : no spigot link. sellfy link Price : 6.00 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : Its a unique scoreboard plugin like mcsg.And he have very big potential
  5. X

    Advanced Survival Games [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  6. X

    CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)

    xSincapRekt submitted a new resource: Advanced Survival Games - advancedsurvivalgames Read more about this resource...
  7. X

     CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer) 0.1.4

    PermissionsEx Support NEW GroupManager Support Skin change system Random names Chat format (Soon) Alphabetic names Config Unlimited skins (Skins.yml) Placeholders Disguise check (Check a disguised players) Random skins You can see your disguise skin Advanced Config Settings Custom commands...
  8. X

    Advanced Survival Games [Deleted]

    xSincapRekt submitted a new resource: Advanced Survival Games - advancedsurvivalgames Read more about this resource...
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