CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer)

CrispyDisguise | Disguise a random player & SKIN CHANGE & TITLES & PermissionsEx (Like MCGamer) 0.1.4


New Member
xSincapRekt submitted a new resource:

Advanced Survival Games - advancedsurvivalgames

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11

Plugin's History:
I was disappointed then I bought one survivalgames plugin here for my bungeecord server which wasn't working as expected. So I was forced to create a new plugin for my server and then I have considered that I can also share my work with the Spigot users. This plugin is running on my Network. Also it was tested with...

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