aac anticheat

  1. xth24

    AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 5.2.0 5.2.0

  2. B

    olg 2021-07-26

  3. xth24

    AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 5.1.0

  4. N

    [LEAKED] GamersFreedom.net (shutdown) OLD GAMERCHEAT LEAK 1.0

    Welcome. The old gamercheat plugin, was based of AAC and skript. Those are all on the ZIP download. AAC was cracked. Commands: /aac, I don't know more from AAC /acban, command that banned people. Only executable by console, can be changed on the skript. /staffnotify, command that sent alerts to...
  5. TheDragonKnight

    (DONE) AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) 3.5.0-b1

    Use the title "AWAITING UPDATE" Name of the plugin you want updated : AAC (Advanced Anti Cheat) (Hack & Kill aura Blocker) Spigot Link : Here BlackspigotMC Link: Here Price : 20GBP Why should we update this plugin : Its the most advanced anti almost everything out there.. having it up to date...
  6. H

    (DONE) AAC 2.0 (for 1.9.x servers)

    Hey guys, Plugin: AAC 2.0.0-b3 PRE-RELEASE Spigot link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/aac-advanced-anti-cheat-hack-kill-aura-blocker.6442/ Price: 20 GP Why i want it : It is the best anticheat, i need it for my server. And its too mutch money for me :/. Why i it : Because i love this...
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