hiya, besides DemonPvP (direct outdated cosmic plugins), Fantasy, Jurrasic, Blizzard, and even this unopened server ReactivePvP all run off of one big plugin thats a cosmic test plugin that includes their Weekend Bundles and working enchants and such- it seems pretty public can anyone leak and...
Name of the plugin you want updated: RandomPackages
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/randompackage-45-off-custom-bosses-enchants-kits-lootboxes-envoy-more-1-8-8-1-13-2.38501/updates
BlackspigotMC Link...
Watch Thread
Name of the plugin you want: Elite Masks
Spigot Link:
Price: 5 USD
How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community:
- People can...