
  1. TheFates123

     Mulumb Practice [BETA]

    Me and @Mutqus Made this plugin. EDIT: We also have an option (in the Config) that can enable / disable the scoreboard. And there is Spectator mode! NOTE: Your not allowed to decompile it!
  2. (REQUEST) FreshFFA

    » FreshFFA » https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/%E2%9C%A6-freshffa-%E2%9C%A6-best-ffa-plugin-multi-languages-%E2%9C%AA-%E2%9C%A6-1-8-to-1-11-%E2%9C%A6-%E2%9C%AA-25-off-first-10.210085/#post-2185287 » 3.00 (Unbuyable) » It is a plugin that no longer exists in reality, it would be very good for the...
  3. Kikatchu


    Servidor configurado de FFA BUILDUHC !! Descarga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svkVSiOKuEw&t=11s
  4. (REQUEST) Premium FreeForAll 1.4 FreeForAll

    Spigot link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/premium-freeforall.9085/ Price: $5 USD i Wanted because im poor and i dont have money to buy it i deserve it because im poor lol
  5. MAP Kitpvp Map

    Very nice kitpvp map enjoy using it.
  6. kevmic321

    CLOSED BowWarfare, The Ultimate PVP Experience

    Name of plugin you want: BowWarfare Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bowwarfare-the-ultimate-pvp-experience.2519/ Price: 5 euro Why you want it: I love minigames plugin, but this one have alot of features that i like and i need for my server. I also love how it look and this...