
  1. (REQUEST) BestFriends plugin (BungeeCord or Spigot)

    Name of the plugin you want: BestFriends Spigot Link: Price: $5 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This would be a good and better plugin for friends in your...
  2. borhan

    (REQUEST) AdvancedOreGen 1.4.4

    Name of the plugin you want : AdvancedOreGen Spigot Link : Price : 4.99 EUR How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This plugin is really useful for Skyblock servers. It allows them to customize the percentage of...
  3. Dekomori

    SpigotVIP GUIPlus - Simply create clickable GUI's (Ingame GUI Builder) [1.7 - 1.19 ] 2.89

    ◦‒●❀♑ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord κœ°α΄Κ€ κœ±α΄œα΄˜α΄˜α΄Κ€α΄› ♑❀●‒◦ Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.19 Modern Minecraft servers use GUI's for everything, but unfortunately, many Minecraft plugins don't support GUI's. That's why I...
  4. qtChan

    FREE CONFIG β˜… SHOP GUI Plus β˜… Configuration β˜… Balanced economy β˜… 1.0

    ◆━━━━━━━━━━━◆ This is a factions based gui shop + configuration that i made for my server. Also could work for any other game mode server Files: Screenshots: Main menu Categories Messages If you have any problem feel free to pm me or add me at skype: Do not forget this...
  5. Wifi

    SpigotVIP TagsGUI | Sounds, pages, and more! 1.0.6v2

    LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Batuzay Original Link: Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to Tested Minecraft Versions...
  6. βœ“ PrefixGUI 1.0.0

    Closed Spigot plugin that lets you choose between tags, originally $4.99; Dependencies Essentials/EssentialsX, EssentialsChat/EssentialsChatX, PermissionsEx or any group managing plugin. Step 1: Download and configure YML. Step 2: Reload your server. Step 3: In Essentials.yml find...
  7. qtChan

    βœ“ HoloGUI [1.8.x - 1.11.2] v2.4.2

    LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @NahMan! Original Link: Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9...
  8. muratcelik

    βœ“ HoloGUI [1.8.x - 1.11.2] v2.4.1

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Like my stuff and want to donate? Thanks!! :D I am no longer doing development on HoloGUI and will no longer be providing support. Please take this into consideration before purchasing. HoloGUI is a plugin that displays Graphical User...
  9. luckscharh

    (REQUEST) UltimateGUI 1.0.0

    UltimateGUI Price: $5 for creating GUI on community servers
  10. Guy007

    (REQUEST) AuctionGUI+ 1.2.13-SNAPSHOT

    Name of the plugin you want : AuctionGUI+ Spigot Link : Price :7.99 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This plugin is amazing and will be amazing have it here to have more choices whic one to use or can be...
  11. βœ“ CustomGUI - Completely customizable

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 "The most configurable chest menu plugin" By: JC_Plays_MC CustomGUI gives server owners an opportunity to create rich GUI's to make certain tasks much easier to accomplish while looking aesthetically appealing to the users. With...
  12. (REQUEST) ClassBan // Advanced & HQ ban GUI 1.0.2

    ClassBan // Advanced & HQ ban GUI 1.0.2 1.35 USD I think this would help towards the community as there are no Punish GUIS on blackspigot currently and that this leak will allow staff members to ban players easily with this easy to use GUI
  13. β–‘β–‘-DankMaverick-β–‘β–‘

    FREE Admin Panel/GUI 1.7-1.10

    A much easier way for your Admins/Staff to interact with your server! AdminPanelintroduces a much easier way to do things around your server! Somewhat like a Staff Essential! | Commands | - "/serverpanel" Aliases! "syspanel, adminp, adminpanel, serverpanel, spanel" | Permission |...
  14. BorisPokemon

    βœ“ MagicalMenus 1.0.19

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 1.9 Contributors: didjee2 About MagicalMenu, MagicalMenu gives you the ability to create unlimited menu's, you can bind unlimited commands to it, a sound, and many many more! This plugin should be compatible with 1.7 & higher. Lower should be possible, but not...