Support Discord:
This is completely new code and as usual there will be some bugs. Please be considerate of this and contact me as fast as possible on discord when you find one so I can patch it and push new update. Thank you.
Also this resource doesn't...
HCFaction for iNotLazo
Use ragespigot
Servers using the core:
- VenunNetwork
- ViteHQ
This core was originally made by Huli, a great developer but with a limited amount of time. He was in his last year of high school when he put this core for sale, but at some point huli just wasn't able to find time anymore. Which is why he sold this resource to me, for a fair price with the...
This core was originally made by Huli, a great developer but with a limited amount of time. He was in his last year of high school when he put this core for sale, but at some point huli just wasn't able to find time anymore. Which is why he sold this resource to me, for a fair price with the...
Source code soon; :v
I made this core in the early stages of 2018 with the intention of releasing it for free, however that changed and I now want to make money. I stopped working on this after about three weeks, in which that time I had gotten the core to an almost complete stage. I stopped...