
  1. (DONE) LiteBans

    Name of the plugin you want updated: LiteBans Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should we update this plugin: Litebans is and always will be the best punishment plugin. The current...
  2. GhostNinja91

    (REQUEST) Litebans 2.5.9

    Name of the plugin you want: Litebans Spigot Link: Price: $7.50 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It will provide your community with the latest version for their minecraft servers.
  3. FREE CONFIG Old Verus + Litebans configured 2021-01-27

    Configured by me Not leaked by me
  4. Slovakia

    FREE ⭐️ Fantasy Litebans Theme ⭐️ [LIVE PREVIEW] 1.4

    Template give ability to change all colors just with one code! To report a bug, give a suggestion, or if you have a question you can address the issue on discord server: ( DM to receive CUSTOMER RANK ) Features: ✔ Animated Logo ✔ Navigation Menu ✔ Responsive on...
  5. (REQUEST) Punishments Control Panel 1.0.2

    Name of the plugin you want: Punishments Control Panel 1.0.2 Spigot Link: Price: 3.99 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: makes litebans much easier to use and its can be repleaced with LiteBansGUI plugin
  6. Spayker

    FREE CONFIG HolyHCF | LiteBans Messages Remake BETA

    Hi, Here is a small Remake of the LiteBans of HolyHCF Network. Warning: This is only in BETA, Any problem or question leave it down here, Thanks!. In order not to have problems when putting the messages it is advisable to put the plugin that is together with the messages.
  7. xTritoniX_

    (REQUEST) LiteBans update 2.4.6

    Name of the plugin you want: LiteBans Spigot Link: BlackSpigot link: How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: The new is annoying bug-fixes, 1.15 & 1.15.1 support...
  8. keyman015

    OPEN Litebans - Test Crack - Review if any errors [2.3.18]

    Name of the bad plugin: LiteBans (2.3.18) BSMC Link: Profile Link of author: What is the problem with it?: The plugin wasn't fully nulled. The antileak...
  9. INVALID FORMAT Litebans 2.3.9 or 2.3.15

    This is such a vital plugin to many servers, and having the ability to have a webpage with who is banned adds that much more character into a server. You cannot have a LiteBans webpage without the latest update. (pictured here)
  10. AWAITING UPDATE LiteBans 2.3.14

    Name of the plugin you want updated: Litebans Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should we update this plugin: Because it is one of the most used plugins currently related to the moderation in...
  11. (REQUEST) SapphireHistory - Punishment History

    Name of the plugin you want: SapphireHistory - Punishment History MCM Link: Price: $5 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: it is a good small history plugin for litebans
  12. AWAITING UPDATE Litebans 2.3.4

    Name of the plugin you want updated : Litebans 2.3.4 Spigot Link : BlackspigotMC Link: Price : 7.50 USD Why should we update this plugin : It would draw more visitors to Blackspigot as many...
  13. (REQUEST) Litebans 2.2.15

    Name of the plugin you want: Litebans Spigot Link: Price: 7.50 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: Having the latest of something is a thing that lots of people like to have currently no one has leaked the current...
  14.  Modified LiteBans web-interface 1.0

    With the litebans leak by BSMC, you can't use the web-interface because it needs some tables that are only generated by the newest litebans version. With this fix, you can use the web interface of litebans. The modified file is settings.php. Install it like the default one.
  15. qtChan

    SpigotVIP [Sale] Litebans Messages [5 Styles] v4.1

    LEAKERS NOTE: This resources is donated by @Ultimately Original Link: Please Give me a positive rating as a token of appreciation DONATION: Want more plugins donate any amount to
  16. ⚒ LiteBans Auto Access Enable ⚒ CRACK-FIX

    Tired of "Plugin access has been disabled"? Want to remove it? You're in the right place! Made by me & stijny ✻ Information > This is not a plugin, this is a script that removes LiteBan's plugin disabled messages by reloading it every 10 minutes, It's very lightweight only 20 lines of code ✻...
  17. (DONE) REQUEST -> Litebans | 2.2.4

    Plugin: LiteBans 2.2.4 Price: $7.50USD Spigot: Contribution: I understand this is one of the most-used plugins for spigot networks. I've been looking everywhere for a cracked version of this, to no avail. I am sure I'm not the only one who...
  18. AWAITING UPDATE Litebans 2.2.4

    Plugin name: Litebans (2.2.4) Spigot Link: Price: 7.50 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It would help because it's a plugin, which is highly in demand, so more players would join BlackSpigotMC and buy ranks or...
  19. ItsMennyo


    It is now back on BSMC: AntiAura Edition:➤-minecraft-anticheat-➤-antiaura-edition.4047/ AAC Edition:➤-minecraft-anticheat-➤-aac-edition.4048/
  20. (DONE) litebans

    bcmc link: version needed: 2.1