Leaked by Xylo#6969
All of Aurapvp.com server files. Owners are scammers and just clowns in general. Enjoy their shitty plugins! Don't let them convince you that these are "old" because they're not.
Leaked by Xylo#6969
Latest version of HestiaCore's SRC code. This is NOT the old version from DL
- MongoDB or MySQL 8.0
- Redis
Discord Integration:
• Sync
Whenever you sync your Discord Account to your Minecraft account, your role will be transferred.
Leaked by Xylo#6969
Source code to a fixed version of Zonix Client with no Api. This version is IDE ready meaning you can just drop into Intellij or Eclipse and compile straight away!
Leaked by Xylo#6969
Source code to Overflow Anticheat. There are 3 different versions in there and I'm not sure what differs between them as I haven't checked.