
  1. WWW https://legends-world.cz/ 1.0

    website: https://legends-world.cz/
  2. Dibsy

     NetworkManager Complete

    Have you been searching for a solution to manage your network and are you tired to setup plenty of plugins just to finish the job? NetworkManager is the best solution for you. You can change the MOTD, Permissions and much more things from a simple dashboard. No need to restart your BungeeCord or...
  3. FREE Minecraft Server Portal website | 1.0

    IMAGE: Welcome to the SpigotMc page of the MCPORTAL1-v1.0 plugin's page. This project is a non-js lightweight portal or home page for your network. English Demo (default) Romanian Language Demo Download the latest English version (direct download) The actual version includes two...
  4. FREE MC Ban Appeal | Web 1.9

    A very simple unban appeal website that gives your players a place to appeal a ban. When someone fills out the form, it sends an E-Mail to the server admins stating their username & reason for why they should be unbanned; the website cleverly sends the E-Mail to the admins from the player's...
  5. Neoflex (Netflix clone)

    Name of the plugin Movie Subscription Portal you want: Neoflex Movie Subscription Portal Cms Spigot codecanyon Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/neoflex-movie-subscription-portal-cms/22817707 Price: $40 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: I think it would contribute...
  6. IsiDabat

    FREE Maintenance Page ✮ FREE ✮ BEST ON THE MARKET VERSION 3.5 3.6

    Live Demo Click here Features: Fully Responsive Maintenance Page is a fully responsive template! Business' too! Sosa's Maintenance Page is not only made for Minecraft! You can use it for your company too! Animations There are sick hover animations Player Count It has a working player count...
  7. zJavaError

    SpigotVIP ClydeGen V5 Final 5.0

    ClyDeGen.me template! Download and read "readmebeforeinstall.txt". Thanks for downloading :)
  8. Selling UnrealMC! (OPEN)

    All the info is there! > https://sellfy.com/p/2hE5/ <
  9. ShuriZma

     HelpTickets - WebUI 1.3

    Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 HelpTickets - WebUI is a companion plugin to my issue tracker/report management system, HelpTickets. This plugin allows staff and players to view tickets anywhere through a web interface. HelpTickets 3.0 and above The configuration...
  10. Wifi

    XF 2 XenForo 2.0.4 - Full NULLED MOVED

    Web : http://byswiizen.tk/
  11.  Modified LiteBans web-interface 1.0

    With the litebans leak by BSMC, you can't use the web-interface because it needs some tables that are only generated by the newest litebans version. With this fix, you can use the web interface of litebans. The modified file is settings.php. Install it like the default one.
  12. EvilGlot

    Ad Forge Of Empire

    I am looking for friends to join me play and grow. https://us.forgeofempires.com/?invitation=3705655-us19-l&ref=player_invite_link Join the Tuulech World To Join Me. What is FOE? Forge of Empires is a browser-based strategy game that lets you create your own city and accompany it from the...
  13. MalerWanne

    Master Admin Web Template 1.0

    Master free bootstrap html5 admin template is a clean flat modern ready to use responsive admin dashboard template, based on Bootstrap v3.3.4, HTML5 and powered by jQuery, with sidebar collapse/expand and with amazing charts and graphs. This template is completely flexible and user friendly...
  14. FREE Free Web Portal for all users :D 2017-10-29

    ========================================================= ========================================================= Just a simple web-portal for anyone who would want one for there server :) =========================================================
  15. FREE FactionsLab.com Website Leak 1.0

    FactionsLab Leak Leaked by Gobli989! You can see the demo here: DEMO The forums is too big for a leak.
  16. Divi 3.0.34 2017-07-08

    Divi wordpress theme by Elegant Themes
  17. Hakim567 // Swat243

    Need some suggestion of sites that you can upload 'CopyRighted' Stuff.

    Where can i upload copyright stuff? without it ever getting down (unless the company got sued) So yeah i know Wifi Spy Uses QQ Tencent or Weiyun But It Requires A Phone Number Which For Some Reason Its Not Sending The Message :/