xenforo addon

  1. DarKMaSk

    AWAITING RESPOND How to ad amazon affiliate banner in Xenforo 1.5.22

    I could not make it work. This is the ad script: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var aax_size='728x90'; var aax_pubname = 'xxxxxxxx'; var aax_src='302'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"...
  2. (REQUEST) Split Reply Permission

    Name of the Addon you want: Split Reply Permission Xenforo Link: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/split-reply-permission.4457/ Price: None (Just Xenforo License) How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: You can see but now answer Threads from other Persons...
  3. BlackSpigot.com

    XF 2 Hide IP Super Admin MOVED

  4. BlackSpigot.com

    XF 2 ForoAgency Smilies Newest and HD MOVED

  5. BlackSpigot.com

    XF 2 Member staff in conversation MOVED

    Is very easyful: 1 like for download 1 reviews for my motivation The french's are the best beautiful :) If there is a member of the staff in the conversation: I there are no staff members in conversation
  6. (REQUEST) XenForo 2 Content Ratings

    Hi guys, Name of the addon you want : XenForo 2 Content Ratings Addon Link: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/content-ratings-for-xf2.5600/ Price: $35.00 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This addon is basically the same as the Post Ratings addon for...
  7. XF 1 Tutorial Remove the xenforo branding footer for free

    You are lazy of the xenforo branding "Forum software by Xenforo..."? Then this tutorial will help you. Firstly open the file library/XenForo/Application.php and search for Public static function getCopyrightHtml() Then you will see a value in it. Just edit it and your done. If it is not working...
  8. Ace

    Twitter Smiley Pack 1.1

    Decided to create a twitter smiley pack for everyone here. I figured since the community gives back a lot, that I should do so as well. So enjoy the only smilies twitter pack! :D