
  1. (REQUEST) XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO

    Please leak new version: Link: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xf2-8wr-xenrio-2-streams-pro.6024/ Version: Author: Jaxel Thanks :)
  2. Elmejorgamerokno

    (REQUEST) [XF2] AdvancedForms

    Resource Name » AdvancedForms 2.1 Link » https://xenforo.com/community/resources/advanced-forms-for-xenforo-2-1.5632/ Price » $20 How would it help » This is a really good XenForo addon because most people are sick of having to use google docs or some free thing for applications whilst using...
  3. Elmejorgamerokno

    (REQUEST) Resource Nulling

    Name AdvancedForms (XenForo 2.1) Price $20.00 Link Click Here! How would it help? This is a really good XenForo addon because most people are sick of having to use google docs or some free thing for applications whilst using XenForo with a really good add-on available. With this, it would...
  4. XF 2 XenForo Nulled 2.x AUTO UPGRADER MOVED

    I provide you with a tool that will revolutionize your forum (really). After 1 month of development, I've developed an auto-upgrader for XenForo Nulled. How It's Work? I have a server that stores the latest Install and Upgrade Nulled versions of Xenforo. and with this script, the new files...
  5. [DATABASE LEAK] >> Xenforo Nulled Backdoor + FiveM Database

    [19:07 | 26/03/2020]: Found a Backdoor @ http://dops.online/ Link To Xenforo DB Leak: https://cdn-17.anonfiles.com/v2F5mbk3o0/a7755c5f-1585440398/xenforo.sql Link To FiveM DB Leak: https://cdn-24.anonfiles.com/HbFcm3k0oc/ed45f8f6-1585440452/cdbase.sql Link To VPS DB Leak...
  6. pii

    (REQUEST) Decus - XenForo Theme

    Name of the theme you want: Decus - XenForo Theme 1.1.3 MC-Market Link: https://www.mc-market.org/resources/13180/ Price: 29.00 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It's one of the best themes out there for minecraft server.
  7. XF 1 XenForo FULL - 1.5.22 (LEAK) MOVED

    XenForo FULL - 1.5.22 (LEAK): http://scadonsak.com/1NjA Virustotal: http://scadonsak.com/1NnR
  8. XF 2 ThemeHouse - 14 Premium XenForo Themes MOVED

    Download the latest updates to amazing styles
  9. Wifi

    XF 2 German Language [Du] MOVED

    The German Language Pack [DU] for XF 2
  10. Brivium - PROMETHIUM XenForo 1

    Brivium for Xenforo 1 Style Link: https://brivium.com/resources/promethium.341/ Price: $35 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: It would as its a really good style for xenforo 1 and 2.
  11. 360matt

    XF 2 [deleted] [deleted]

  12. Wifi

    XF 1 XenGallery (Nulled) MOVED

    I know that a lot of people were looking for this add-on for their community. I took my time to find an up-to-date version and 2.6.1 is the only one that i found. Of course there were more but you needed to pay to download so i did not wanted to spend money for 1 add-on. XenGallery is an add-on...
  13. fursfurry

    (REQUEST) Sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) 2.6.5

    NAME: sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) 2.6.5 link: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/sonnb-xengallery-xenforo-gallery.2076/ price: 40$ This add-on allows to have an image gallery on his forum and if you are an artist you can put these images on it and show to his community and also...
  14. Wifi

    Xenforo Iconify integration MOVED

    This add-on is for style developers and add-on coders. Important: this add-on is not ready to be used in production yet. This is early release that might (and probably does) contain bugs. It was developed for XenForo 2.1, though it should work with XenForo 2.0 too. It adds support for Iconify...
  15. Wifi

    XF 2 XenForo 2.0.12 - Release MOVED

    XenForo 2.0.12 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.0 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. This version makes a number of changes to improve compatibility with PHP 7.3.0. However...
  16. RESOLVED Xenporta 2, Promote to article option not avaiable

    I have downloaded and installed XenPorta 2 addon but I am not able to promote thread as an article or feature, No option is available in the drop-down menu to promote thread as article or feature. The addon is installed and active. Anyone, please help.
  17. INVALID FORMAT Hide Spoiler Content Permission add on in xf1

    Who have Hide Spoiler Content permission add ons for xf1. I just really need it thank you in advance who will send me the download link
  18. DarKMaSk

    AWAITING RESPOND How to ad amazon affiliate banner in Xenforo 1.5.22

    I could not make it work. This is the ad script: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var aax_size='728x90'; var aax_pubname = 'xxxxxxxx'; var aax_src='302'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"...
  19. (REQUEST) Split Reply Permission

    Name of the Addon you want: Split Reply Permission Xenforo Link: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/split-reply-permission.4457/ Price: None (Just Xenforo License) How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: You can see but now answer Threads from other Persons...
  20. Wifi

    XF 2 ForoAgency Smilies Newest and HD MOVED
