

New Member
FOX27822 submitted a new resource:

AdvancedMobArena - The latest versions of the plugin

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12


- It's plugin that adds to your server an arena where players can fight vs mobs and getting rewards, exp, etc. Every arena has many options to customizable it as you want. You can add unlimited amount of arenas, kits....

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New Member
FOX27822 updated AdvancedMobArena with a new update entry:

2.5.0 -2

  • Please read before update:
  • New waves config has options that are different from default config, be careful when copying your settings!
  • Added config file for Waves (waves.yml)
  • Added config file for Bosses (bosses.yml)
  • Fixed a bug with kit permissions
  • Fixed bugs with mob spawning
  • Fixed some bugs with wolves and mounts
  • Fixed many console errors
  • Fixed many bugs with player's stats
  • Fixed many bugs with arena timeleft
  • Fixed many bugs...

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New Member
FOX27822 updated AdvancedMobArena with a new update entry:


  • Added support for Spigot 1.12
  • Added support for Essentials (God mode)
  • Fixed a bug where boss wave with mobs not freezed
  • Fixed a bug with commands where arena name was invalid
  • Fixed a bug with kit description in Kit GUI Editor
  • Fixed a bug where scoreboard doesn't updates if timeleft was disabled in the arena
  • Fixed bugs with /ama kit commands (create, setchest)

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New Member
FOX27822 updated AdvancedMobArena with a new update entry:


  • Added MyPet support
  • Added arena option 'pets-allowed' to allow/disallow use pets on the arena
  • Added arena option 'kit-limits' to limit amount of players with specified kit
  • Fixed some bugs with player items and armour
  • Fixed a bug where signs not auto-updated
  • Fixed sign break bug in creative
  • Fixed duplicated messages on arena end by timeleft
  • Fixed some ConcurrentModificationException errors
  • Fixed a bug where kit gui breaks after......

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