- Name of the bad plugin/s : All of his resources.
- BSMC Link : http://blackspigot.com/resources/authors/ayako.7559/
- Profile Link of author : http://blackspigot.com/members/ayako.7559/
- What is the problem with it? : All of his resources are releaks by Leak-Forums or other leaking sites. All of them are 100% same (As tested) and all of them can be found in other sites. My main releak proof of his resources is the Stringer Obfuscation Crack as @Coolman is the original cracker and everybody that has been for a year in bsmc will know. TO ADD 2 of his releaks are not safe at all as they have a lot of suspicious content in them like a simple ip-logger on the event ("PlayerLoginEvent e "). Proof can be provided for everything.