(REQUEST) DynamicStands [1.9-1.12 - Support] [Helicopter Update] 1.6.0


New Member
  • Name of the plugin you want : DynamicStands [1.9-1.12 - Support] [Helicopter Update] 1.6.0
  • Spigot Link : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynamicstands-1-9-1-12-support-helicopter-update.15892/
  • Price : 6.99 Eur
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : This plugin will benefit the community by adding some extra fun on players server , this plugin is verry customizable , it has some good features based on armor stands , you can add working : furniture , vehicles , objects. On this forum there is an outdated version of this plugin , and there are some users who wish this plugin to be updated.
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