(REQUEST) EpicFriends [1.7|1.8|1.9|1.10] [BungeeCord] [MySQL] [SQLITE] [GUI]


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Active Member
Name of plugin you want: EpicFriend

Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/epicfriends-1-7-1-8-1-9-1-10-bungeecord-mysql-sqlite-gui.11294/

Price: 5.20 EUR

Why you want it: I want to use it

Why you deserve it: Because it features add friends

P/S : Sorry for my bad english
This plugin seems to be awesome, it deserves to be payed for, I'm sure it will be leaked very soon! Since it's a great plugin with 100 downloads for now.
But still, you should add more reasons of why you want it, and why u deserve it, since it's not enough of what you've said.
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