(REQUEST) FairPlayMinecraft (Client-Side Anticheat)


New Member
Plugin: FairPlayMinecraft

Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fairplayminecraft-client-side-anticheat.17071/

Price: 15.00 USD

I want this plugin because I am all about having security on my server, and this would be an AMAZING addition for it. I couldn't find any other Client-Side AntiCheat on the market, so this is one of my only options. I would create a system like it myself, but I have no experience coding and I think creating this kind of plugin would take a lot more time than I already have.

I deserve it because I already have to pay a good amount of money to host my server, so I really don't have the money to buy it myself. It would be amazing if someone would be able to null this plugin for me. This is a plugin I really can't stop thinking about.

Thanks! :D
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