Good Bye



I haven't been active on BSMC lately and I decided that I would be leaving BSMC.

I know I've done good and bad at this site but my guilt still remains for the people that I "scammed". I probably would come back and compensate them with something else in the future.

But however, I will continue to contribute to BSMC time to time such as donating and hosting some nice giveaways.

If you need to contact me you can reach out to me on skype or my discord. I will also be active on a site called OGU.

Thanks and good luck to you all!


local stoner gf
A BIT late but just wanting to say a while back you offered a giveaway of some phones... 5 to be exact- I was one of the winners but for some reason I had to send you $3 because I had to cover shipping costs... I know that's not much of a red flag but it still was a red flag, so I didn't send $3. I'm also very late but know I know you're a scammer, so I'm happy about not sending that $3.
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