(DONE) ★ GrantX ~ Revolutionize Permission Management (/grant, /grants) ★

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New Member
Link: https://www.mc-market.org/resources/14185/
Prize: 3,47$
It is great plugin and I think will be good to have it for free.
Thank you!





GrantX is an advanced all-in-one permission management plugin that allows your staff to grant players ranks with custom duration and reason easily through several highly customizable and modern GUI menus. With GrantX, you can log grant activation and revocation to easily track down and prevent staff abuse on your server. You can also easily view a player's grant history and revoke any of their grants. Never worry about remembering long commands in your permissions plugin or taking forever to check a player's rank history ever again!
Disclaimer: GrantX is NOT a permissions plugin. Instead, it expands the functionality of your current permissions plugin and adds quality-of-life features.


High Customizable: GrantX is highly customizable and allows you to change almost every single message and menu. There's even 3 menu design types to choose from!

Easy to Use: GrantX is easy to install, setup, and use. GrantX works right out of the box, so you are not required to customize anything if you don't want to.

Granting GUI: GrantX's main feature is the /grant menu, which allows you to choose a rank, duration, reason, and finally, ask for confirmation.

Ranks: Add unlimited ranks to the GUI, including dummy ones and ranks which require a certain permission! Pagination can be turned on for unlimited pages of ranks. You can even choose a custom icon for each rank and sort them by priority.

Durations: Add a huge amount of grant durations! You can also choose to grant permanently, or specify a custom time in chat. You can make durations require a certain permission. GrantX handles all of the temporary ranks for you, so if your permissions plugin does not support temporary ranks, you're in luck!

Reasons: Add a huge amount of grant reasons! You can also choose to grant without a reason or specify a custom reason in chat. You can make reasons require a certain permission.

Confirmation: Review your target, duration, and reason through a confirmation menu so you don't unintentionally activate a grant!

Grant History GUI: View unlimited pages of a player's granting history! See which grants have expired, which ones are still active, and which ones have been revoked.

Grant Revocation: Revoke grants easily from the grants history (/grant) menu. Includes a confirmation menu and a permission node!

Notifications: Send notifications to both the staff member and the target when a grant gets activated/expired/revoked! Can be toggled off. Includes many placeholders.

Logging System: GrantX is able to write to custom log files, sorted by dates. Track down who activated or revoked a grant in just seconds!

Permission Plugins Support: Supports almost all permission plugins, including PermissionsEx, LuckPerms, UltraPermissions, and GroupManager.

Optimized and Efficient: GrantX is extremely optimized and will not cause any performance drops on your server.

MC Versions Support: GrantX supports versions from 1.8.x to 1.15.x!

Amazing Support: GrantX has a dedicated support team on Discord, always ready to solve any issues you may experience.

And More! Including but not limited to the ability to set a background material for the GUI's, a reload/save command, and the ability to toggle a separator item between menu buttons and pagination controls!


View dependencies, installation instructions, default configuration files, commands, permissions, error codes, and more on GrantX's official wiki!









Receive top-notch support from our support representatives at Demeng's Development Discord!



1) By purchasing any of my work or contacting me regarding my services, you automatically agree to all the terms stated below and you understand any violation of those will result in further action being taken against you, without prior notice.

2) Excuses such as “I didn’t know” or “My brother did it” are not valid and will not be taken into consideration.

3.1) Refunds will only be given to those with a valid reason for their request, such as the final product not functioning.

3.2) Any request for a refund must be submitted within 48 hours of the purchase, otherwise you won’t be eligible to receive it.

4) You are not allowed to open a charge back or dispute on your purchase, if something is wrong you should contact me in order to get it solved.

5) You are not allowed to claim any of my work as yours or pretend in any way it was created by you or someone else.

6.1) You may not -Redacted- GrantX in any form. This includes selling the JAR, selling your account, or selling your server on a marketplace with GrantX included.

6.2) You may use GrantX on more than 1 server, however you must own all of the servers your copy of GrantX is operating on.

7) You may not attempt to decompile my work or modify its source code in any form and way, unless you have purchased rights to the source from me.


New Member
Bruh, I thought we were on good terms and supported me. And this is what you do as soon as GrantX releases? Fuck you.


New Member
take it easy, you're stupid
XxMarre33Xx: You're stupid
Also XxMarre33Xx: Hello I have turned to BlackSpigot for your plugin because I am too stupid to make money and can't afford $3!!! pls i really need this plagin coded by stupideee developser!!!!!!!!!

Also Valentin, you were one of my earliest supporters and you are a part of the reason why RGP has over 50 thousands downloads and why I have created GrantX. If you just talked to me and explained that money is an issue, I could have given you a free copy. But seriously, turning to Blackspigot and posting a thread like this? I'm disappointed. I am hosting a giveaway for this soon but unfortunately you can't join. Very disappointing. I'm not a greedy motherfucker, I understand you guys too.


Just dont request one of the best plugin to be posted on here for free, maybe if you politely asked demeng, you would get a free copy


New Member
XxMarre33Xx: You're stupid
Also XxMarre33Xx: Hello I have turned to BlackSpigot for your plugin because I am too stupid to make money and can't afford $3!!! pls i really need this plagin coded by stupideee developser!!!!!!!!!

Also Valentin, you were one of my earliest supporters and you are a part of the reason why RGP has over 50 thousands downloads and why I have created GrantX. If you just talked to me and explained that money is an issue, I could have given you a free copy. But seriously, turning to Blackspigot and posting a thread like this? I'm disappointed. I am hosting a giveaway for this soon but unfortunately you can't join. Very disappointing. I'm not a greedy motherfucker, I understand you guys too.
I know that it can be hard if someone is making a request on a plugin that just have been released and i'm sorry if i was mean to you, i just had a bad day :/ i really like your RankGrantPlus plugin and i have want to get an extra /grants to remove someone rank. I'm sorry and i know how u feel :)


New Member
XxMarre33Xx: You're stupid
Also XxMarre33Xx: Hello I have turned to BlackSpigot for your plugin because I am too stupid to make money and can't afford $3!!! pls i really need this plagin coded by stupideee developser!!!!!!!!!

Also Valentin, you were one of my earliest supporters and you are a part of the reason why RGP has over 50 thousands downloads and why I have created GrantX. If you just talked to me and explained that money is an issue, I could have given you a free copy. But seriously, turning to Blackspigot and posting a thread like this? I'm disappointed. I am hosting a giveaway for this soon but unfortunately you can't join. Very disappointing. I'm not a greedy motherfucker, I understand you guys too.

Sorry, Demeng.
What I was doing is not nice and I know it.
The fact that I published this thread in here means how old I am and how I can't afford anything on my own because of my age. I know how hard is to make plugins and how hard coding is. If I could I would buy your plugin. Your plugins are very good and long ago I've seen your talent. You were first with making this kind of plugin and I liked it a lot. The "/grants" command is a feature that I love.
Sorry for betraying you.
I don't expect you to forgive me. I know one sorry is not enough for an excuse and what I did was so bad that it's unforgivable.
I'm not sorry for being your supporter. You are great person hope you'll become great developer and make the best plugins. If you don't want to forgive me please I just want to remove the enmity so we do not become enemies.
I will remove this thread after you read it. Thanks a lot for your time of reading it!


Sorry, Demeng.
What I was doing is not nice and I know it.
The fact that I published this thread in here means how old I am and how I can't afford anything on my own because of my age. I know how hard is to make plugins and how hard coding is. If I could I would buy your plugin. Your plugins are very good and long ago I've seen your talent. You were first with making this kind of plugin and I liked it a lot. The "/grants" command is a feature that I love.
Sorry for betraying you.
I don't expect you to forgive me. I know one sorry is not enough for an excuse and what I did was so bad that it's unforgivable.
I'm not sorry for being your supporter. You are great person hope you'll become great developer and make the best plugins. If you don't want to forgive me please I just want to remove the enmity so we do not become enemies.
I will remove this thread after you read it. Thanks a lot for your time of reading it!

He has read it you can delete this now.

-his manager
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