Hummus Client


Active Member
Go cry about how you can't even write a 1 line of code that's not pasted from someone else skid


New Member
How does it feel, to be so dumb that you paid someone else to pay ME to get the jar file and then still got caught. Like bitch you had a middle man and your loud mouth friends + stupidity did the equivalent of ratting you out


Active Member
go back to skidding utils
stay mad

also why does ur vps run an outdated version of VSFTPD? did you also copy that from a website just like the client you "dev" ?

and i don't know why you think i "paid" for your shitty client, i don't pay for skidded products, the fact that you haven't found out who i am yet is baffling, i also been in ur dms
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New Member
mfw every damage util is more or less the same

Cry harder kid, sorry you are so stupid that you resort to cracking clients just to feel like your life is worth something


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