- Name of the plugin you want updated :
KnockbackMaster PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM KNOCKBACK and HITS for PvP 2.11.6 - Spigot Link : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...onal-custom-knockback-and-hits-for-pvp.42721/
- BlackspigotMC Link: http://blackspigot.com/downloads/kn...ional-custom-knockback-and-hits-for-pvp.8038/
- Price : 8.99 EUR
- Why should we update this plugin : The one we have in blackspigot (both 2.11.1 and 2.10.0 crackfix) doesn't work (the 2.11.1 version which is the link above is actually 2.10.0 when you run the plugin?) it makes people take no knockback and just generally doesn't work