Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99]

Most Advanced Minecraft Servers List (script) for Sale | [Was $29.99 LIMITED TIME SALE $24.99] NULLED


So? You can c&p all the theory in the world, doesn't help you with anything you written in this whole thread.

I ain't invest time in shit discussions. I'm not interested in the result. "You take BSMC down anyways, regardless of conversation result." Although I expected that a smart person would stop after replying with…

I am done wasting time with you. I will try to resolve this with someone higher here than you.


Active Member
I ain't invest time in shit discussions. I'm not interested in the result. "You take BSMC down anyways, regardless of conversation result." Although I would've expected that a smart person would stop after replying with…
And that's it? What a cat piss you really are.

I am the smart one with a temper. You poke me, better be sure you've done your homework.


And that's it? What a cat piss you really are.

I am the smart one with a temper. You poke me, better be sure you've done your homework.

Yeah smart ass, could we put this on hold until you took BSMC down or achieved anything useful? I'm getting tired of having to reply to brain dead people that keep telling you to do your homework when they can't show off anything themselves. Besides that, did you call yourself smart? Holy shit, you're dumb, I'm dumb, everyone is dumb, period. I'm sure we all had our fair share of "I'm so dumb I want to die" moments.


Active Member
Yeah smart ass, could we put this on hold until you took BSMC down or achieved anything useful? I'm getting tired of having to reply to brain dead people that keep telling you to do your homework when they can't show off anything themselves. Besides that, did you call yourself smart? Holy shit, you're dumb, I'm dumb, everyone is dumb, period. I'm sure we all had our fair share of "I'm so dumb I want to die" moments.
Anything useful, says a -Redacted- who wanks his noodle on a stolen content.


MC Models
Hi! I have forwarded your "Takedown Request" email to the other staff for reading, and because of your behaviour here in this thread we have decided to remove your resource from it's current section "Websites & Website Files", and move it to "Best of BlackSpigot" section, and Feature it.
You have won this case, and therefore your reward is a free move to the Best of BlackSpigot section, and a bump. You're welcome :D


Anything useful, says a -Redacted- who wanks his noodle on a stolen content.

Says the -Redacted- that pirated at least one thing in his life. That's the reality, accept it.


I already explained other steps I am going to follow to show that every action has a reaction.

Hey man, if you speak to your nearby wall it won't stab you (probably).


MC Models
By the way, I checked your website, I noticed this on your site:

I mean, come on. rly?:

You are selling a "copyrighted" thing yourself. You just copied it, then changed a few things. come on, really? You kidding me? And you want a -Redacted- that is not even yours?
khm. khm. khm: Their TOS..



Active Member
By the way, I checked your website, I noticed this on your site:

I mean, come on. rly?:

You are selling a "copyrighted" thing yourself. You just copied it, then changed a few things. come on, really? You kidding me? And you want a -Redacted- that is not even yours?
khm. khm. khm: Their TOS..

Finally someone who posts with a point.

Not a bit copied from .org, apart from concept and legal sheets, I really hate writting legal stuff. I made an engine, styling, everything. Compare code, not the looks.

This script was sold for over 160 times and brought me some clients for cutom jobs. And brought me some extra income.

I mentioned -Redacted- as the last resot, don't really want to invest 200usd into some claim. Hopefully other mentioned methods will be enough.


Active Member
Then I believe it's called Plagiarism.
It's a different css framework, different code. Yes it's a toplist for minecraft servers but that's not an issue, there are thousands of these. Don't twist the actual point here.

I asked roughly, then politely to remove my resource, which was developed by me.

I didn't gave a consent to share it, on top of that I also have one of your admins admitting that he stolen it, as well as other guy sharing whole theory about hacking and so.

I had enough of chatting with your coleague.

Honestly, it's not about money anymore. But there are plenty of ways to get equal payback.


I mentioned -Redacted- as the last resot, don't really want to invest 200usd into some claim. Hopefully other mentioned methods will be enough.

I don't see the point in -Redacted- claims. Everyone kinda loses, or am I wrong? You must pay your $200 fee you'll never see back and the other side of the fence either experienced nothing or made a loss too. It's a fuck everyone situation tbh.

Sorta, but not completely off topic:
Let me say one thing: No one is/will feel guilty (at all). Moreover, it'll be an "Oh, someone that used to pirate stuff rated us. Thanks a lot for betraying the community everyone was part of at least once in our life." feeling from the team's perspective while you're in your anti-leaking mindset (depending on the type of person "Justice served").

as well as other guy sharing whole theory about hacking and so.

Ehh, this is where I doubt your knowledge.

The "bulletproof method" I shared is a standard infrastructure deployed by most if not all cloud computing services that can be used in such a way. I could call it "old load balancing method" (the difference between new and old being the amount of loadbalancers required). I highly doubt that you can even call that "Hacking."

Hosting servers in a variety of countries isn't hacking either. I mean, wtf, tax evasion exists, is legal, and exploits location specific laws. Same deal, perfectly fine.

The act of -Redacted- is telling a bunch of machines to communicate with the target server. The only thing I mentioned is pretty much that CloudFlare is shit at protecting you against -Redacted- attacks (as well as most other services). Just go to dstat (or smth similar) and wait until someone boots a CloudFlare website.


Note that sharing knowledge about hacking, especially theories, is one of the most legal things you can possibly do. I personally lose myself in thought experiments "How can I break my software?" and fix a bunch of things I didn't notice before.


Active Member
I don't see the point in -Redacted- claims. Everyone kinda loses, or am I wrong? You must pay your $200 fee you'll never see back and the other side of the fence either experienced nothing or made a loss too. It's a fuck everyone situation tbh.

Sorta, but not completely off topic:
Let me say one thing: No one is/will feel guilty (at all). Moreover, it'll be an "Oh, someone that used to pirate stuff rated us. Thanks a lot for betraying the community everyone was part of at least once in our life." feeling from the team's perspective while you're in your anti-leaking mindset (depending on the type of person "Justice served").

Ehh, this is where I doubt your knowledge.

The "bulletproof method" I shared is a standard infrastructure deployed by most if not all cloud computing services that can be used in such a way. I could call it "old load balancing method" (the difference between new and old being the amount of loadbalancers required). I highly doubt that you can even call that "Hacking."

Hosting servers in a variety of countries isn't hacking either. I mean, wtf, tax evasion exists, is legal, and exploits location specific laws. Same deal, perfectly fine.

The act of -Redacted- is telling a bunch of machines to communicate with the target server. The only thing I mentioned is pretty much that CloudFlare is shit at protecting you against -Redacted- attacks (as well as most other services). Just go to dstat (or smth similar) and wait until someone boots a CloudFlare website.
Now you are talking. That's how you had to write from the begining.

I don't make thousands from the sales, but I make some $ for daily expanses. What annoys me here is the fact that my source code, in which, I put my hours in was shared for free and that's what is why I don't mind to tip 200usd.
This road is two-ways. Trust me.

As for hacking, I meant "hacking".


Now you are talking. That's how you had to write from the begining.

Yeah, sorry about that. I'm in a pretty shit situation IRL and it's screwing with me mentally and physically.

I don't make thousands from the sales, but I make some $ for daily expanses. What annoys me here is the fact that my source code, in which, I put my hours in was shared for free and that's what is why I wouldn't mind to tip 200usd.

That's indeed a bit of a shit situation. Why am I saying this although I'm for leaking? Well, you're using PHP, an interpreted language. I don't deal with that, I mostly utilize languages that compile to a native binary format, such as ELF, and don't have offer the source-code directly. You, on the other hand, are required to give out your source-code.

Sure, you could use protections and other whacky stuff but there's almost always the option to dump it using a custom PHP plugin. Overall, I've mixed feelings about your situation. I normally want to offer the cracker a small challenge (similar to CTFs) to crack/modify my application. Nothing too fancy, but you simply can't do that with PHP. There's no challenge in literally editing the code directly.

EDIT: The last part looks kinda off topic but actually isn't. I'm using CTF-ish things in my applications as some sort of "You exchange your time with my application."
Last edited:


Active Member
Yeah, sorry about that. I'm in a pretty shit situation IRL and it's screwing with me mentally and physically.

That's indeed a bit of a shit situation. Why am I saying this although I'm for leaking? Well, you're using PHP, an interpreted language. I don't deal with that, I mostly utilize languages that compile to a native binary format, such as ELF, and don't have offer the source-code directly. You, on the other hand, are required to give out your source-code.

Sure, you could use protections and other whacky stuff but there's almost always the option to dump it using a custom PHP plugin. Overall, I've mixed feelings about your situation. I normally want to offer the cracker a small challenge (similar to CTFs) to crack/modify my application. Nothing too fancy, but you simply can't do that with PHP. There's no challenge in literally editing the code directly.
Thank you and understandable, we all are in "abit" shitty situation this year.

I haven't protected my source and I am not willing to. It was bought over 160 times and leak didn't happened until now.

People who buy it, normally adds me. I guide and support them. Look up my reviews.

I own few big toplists myself, on top of that loads of other projects.

This script was created on my spare time to allow people to have a chance to own a toplist. And 25usd payment isnt even a fortune for the time and effort I put into it.


And 25usd payment isnt even a fortune for the time and effort I put into it.

That's absolutely true and also exactly the reason why I'm no longer in the "Minecraft scene."¹ One of the few "Hire a person for free" sub-industries out there with weird-ish additions, namely overpriced trash plugins, under-priced god plugins, and any shade of gray between those two.

¹seems kinda weird to say that when you're a developer at BSMC I guess. I'm developing internal/external APIs that're not related to Minecraft. + Technical support.
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