AWAITING UPDATE ON GITHUB - Per World Plugins [1.8 - 1.17.X]


New Member
A week ago, I messaged a staff member / Plugin poster (who has posted the plugin before a bit back) asking if they still posted plugins to which they said yes and then I asked if he didn't mind to make a post or send the plugin through Convos of the "Plugins Per World" plugin but then he blanked me so a 24 hours later I asked if I did something wrong or something for him to not respond but I was still blanked.

Then 3 days later I joined the staff application server and messaged WifiSpy asking if there for a black Spigot server I could join to ask if people had this specific plugin, he then told me it was dead currently and what plugin was I trying to get. I told him "Plugins Per World" and have been blanked.

Is there something wrong with the plugin, did I do something wrong. Idk why they blanked me but I am trying to get this plugin for us 1 way or another.
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    D @ DimitrosDev: Hiii, can someone approve my plugin?? I recently posted ExploitFixer but nobody approved it...