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New Member
  • Name of the plugin you want :OQMineBot
  • Spigot Link : It is not a spigot plugin. The link to it is http://www.minecraftbot.com/purchase.html
  • Price : 20 usd
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : It would allow users to use the bot program called OQMineBot in which is the most up to date Advanced minecraft multi-bot system which can farm, mine sugarcane, area mine, use a killaura, and much more through their applications which are free and can be downloaded to add-on the the main program which costs 20 usd.


New Member
By that do you mean there is a control panel integrated into the website or we won't be able to download the plugins unless the account has bought OQMineBot? If it is the second one then is it possible to download the plugins and null/crack those too if needed?
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