RPGCore V3 - The ultimate server core for RPG servers! [20$ Leak]


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Aarush695 submitted a new resource:

RPGCore V3 - The ultimate server core for RPG servers! [20$ Leak] - RPGCore V3 - The ultimate server core for RPG servers!

Notice about RPGCore V4

RPGCore V1-V3 were prototypes/learning experiences for me, while V4 is intended to the complete and mature state that I want for RPGCore. It is not accessible to public, a rough ETA is late 2021 or early 2022! It may be later, but it is unlikely to be earlier. If you bought V3, you will receive V4 access.

RPGCore V3 will go shared source, however I will no longer be updating it (You are free to find someone to maintain it privately for you, I will not allow a...

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