(REQUEST) zPvP: PracticePvP | Queuing | Scoreboard | Building | Parties | FFA | 1v1 | Party v. Party| And More


New Member
  • Name of the plugin you want: zPvP: PracticePvP | Queuing | Scoreboard | Building | Parties | FFA | 1v1 | Party v. Party| And More
  • Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...parties-ffa-1v1-party-v-party-and-more.63483/
  • Price: $12
  • How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: it seems like a really cool pvp plugin and practice pvp is a really popular gamemode. plus it has a lot more features than some of the other plugins/cores out there
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