Resources by Wifi

ClothesMC ~ Create your own clothes! Wifi
Create as many clothes as you want with features like custom colors!
Venix FFA Wifi
  Venix FFA 1.1
The best free for all, based on Venix Network!
  LEAK SKY WARS 1.9.89
Perfect copy of the plugin from a popular server who's name should not be using for obvious reasons!
RPG Party System Wifi
  RPG Party System 2.7
Best party system with great functionality
PVP Map - "Prehistoric" Wifi
a .schematic file of a dinosaur-themed PVP Map.
Server Spawn - "Fantasy" Wifi
a .schematic file of a Server Spawn, Fantasy Themed.
Server Hub - "Steampunk" Wifi
a .schematic file of a Server Hub. It is steampunk themed and includes 4 portals.
3 PvP/1v1/Practice Arenas Pack Wifi
A .schematic of 3 Minecraft PvP/1v1/Practice Arenas.
How to not be resolveable on skype Wifi
A brief tutorial on how to now be resolveable on skype
WitcherPotions:Remake WITCHES BE CRAZY ! Wifi
  WitcherPotions:Remake WITCHES BE CRAZY ! [1.9 - 1.11.x] v1.4[1.9.x
A plugin that changes minecraft's brewing system COMPLETELY ! RE-MAKED and ready to go !
VillagerFight // Unique Event/Competition/Betting Plugin Wifi
ActionBar Wifi
SpigotVIP  ActionBar 6.10.1
Animated group specific action bar with 4000+ placeholders
MobStacker2 Wifi
  MobStacker2 1.6.2
The mob stacking plugin that will save you from lag!
Rpg Level - Players and Mobs Leveling System Wifi
Players and Mobs leveling plugin! [1.8.x | 1.9.x | 1.10.x | 1.11.x]
Clans | Claiming, Bosses, Classes and More! Wifi
Add Claiming, Bosses, Classes, Wars and much much more to your server!
Q&APlugin Wifi
SpigotVIP  Q&APlugin 1.10.0
An advanced AI assistant for your server
ZenLibrary [1.9 - 1.11.x] Wifi
  ZenLibrary [1.9 - 1.11.x] v0.35[194-110-111]
Are you sick of saying players how to use 'this' and 'that' ? If you are,here is your medicine mate.
  StressTester 1.3.1
Standalone program which sends bots to test network performance
UI.X Dark Wifi
  UI.X Dark
From Audentio Design
Brivium - Chromium Wifi
  Brivium - Chromium 1.4.5
Chromium Style - Bringing the Internet and modern breath closer to you
UltimateCosmetics Wifi
  UltimateCosmetics 4.3.1
Featuring over 20 different Cosmetics Types, endless possibilities!
Ultimate Troll Wifi
  Ultimate Troll 1.5.9
The most advanced, yet simplistic, troll plugin avaliable. UNIQUE & HILARIOUS trolls!
TrainingPvP - A duel plugin! 1v1, 2v2, Party VS Party, Party FFA and Party Battle! NEW: BuildUHC! Wifi
TrainingPvP - A duel plugin! 1v1, 2v2, Party VS Party, Party FFA and Party Battle!
[1.6 - 1.11] Mystery Mob Spawner (RECODED) Wifi
Receive a Mystery Mob Spawner which can be right-clicked to receive a mystery (random) spawner.
KoTH - King of The Hill - (MC 1.7 to 1.11) Wifi
A King of The Hill plugin that has all the flexibility that you need!